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Tudorian 01-27-2009 06:05 AM

MFCA Must Establish Universal Rule Set For Members!

It can't be said any plainer than the title of this thread.

"The MFCA Must Establish A Universal Set of Rules For Its Members"

No matter what particular playing styles members have, there must be a universal set of rules for all members to adhere to for all MCFA sanctioned events.

Just like the American Bowling Congress.
Just like Organized Crime(without the hits).

It's as simple as that guys.

If unifying the sport is the key here --and I know it is, then this is something that must be done, if it has not been done already.

Simply put, it brings a new unabated power to the MFCA.

Talk to me.

Carpe Diem,
Paul Leslie Gardner

"If the ball doesn't have a point on it, what's the point to the game."

"If there's not a buzzing noise coming out of your house or in your garage during football season, then you're not having fun."

Reginald Rutledge 01-27-2009 08:25 AM

When you speak of MFCA Sanctioned Events, what...
are you talking about?

At least for me, one of the great things I saw about the Warhammer Convention was the diversity! When I saw the convention at work, you had guys playing under various rule sets and enjoying the experience.

AGAIN, I think it's great to house the MFCA where guys can decide on a ballot which events they want to participate in that weekend. It would be great to see a convention of 500 MFers where you have the OPTION, not the DEMAND to play Strategy Divider, MPFL, Shootout, Miggle, or Buzzball Rules. This allows for an all-inclusive event where you can choose a tourney style based on your strengths and weaknesses.

Besides, from the logistics, it would be very difficult having a one-style tourney weekend with hundreds of people getting an opportunity to get in quality play. I can tell you that there are many people that don't like the art of passing with the TTQB/TDQ and kicking with the kicker as some don't like pass placement and spinners. However, that should never stop an event of great magnitude from happening if guys want to play football.

I've been fighting these battles on these chatboards going on 15 years now and the best we've come up with after 15 years is the Great Camp In. You will see the Shootout Style, and I think the Strategy Divider, and some other forms of the game. I know the CBSMF will be bringing at least 32 coaches to play in the playoffs but this will give people a chance to see various styles of play and that is a good thing for the game.

That's just my opinion.


WEIRDWOLF 01-27-2009 08:44 AM

Unity through diversity. The USA is founded on that and miniature football can be too.

HOOP 01-27-2009 09:13 AM

i have never gotten into this debate in the past because i felt i did not know enough. i STILL may not know enough - from an actual coaching (playing the game) point of view. but let me give my take from another point of view.

over the weekend at miggle, i was talking with a coach who feels 3.5 is a good standard weight class for all of us to abide by. i told him of an unintended consequence that may arise from this, and that is the slowdown of business for the 3 major fig makers - Reg, George and Miggle. Then, there are all the customizers out there who do great work as well. THere will be a slowdown of business because -
if the standard class is 3.5 (lets say) then myself, as an example, could just make 1 team of 50 guys at that weight and rock with them all over the nation. Thats it, 50 guys and i dont have to buy another figure again. Gone would be the days of having a 3.2 team for this reason, a 4.0 team for that league, a decked out tourney team for that weekend, etc....
If all i needed were a team that falls within standards, i am done buying figures. Eventually, especially in our economy that will not be worked out anytime soon, this will be the mind set.

now, i have one more point that i will put on another post incase anyone wants to give feedback on the particular points.

HOOP 01-27-2009 09:37 AM

different point, but on the same thread of yarn.....
also while at miggle, i was talking to another coach who made a bold statement of "Electric Football is the most inexpensive hobby you could be in."

now mind you, just before that statement, a team sold for hundreds of dollars in this circle of friends while enjoying the happy hour, so the looks on our faces were like - "please man, sit down and stop drinking that juice".
but he explained.
if you just want to compete in a league, all you have to do is buy your figs and paints, decals, and bases, make your team and thats it, your done.
you dont have to pump anymore money into this hobby at all. yet, you can still enjoy the hobby with the team you have. this can go anywhere from
5 bags of miggle bigmen painted teams at $10 each - $50
3 bags of bases for this 50 man team at $8 a pop - $24
1 tweak tool at 15 dollars and you have your team set at 1 standard wait to rock with around the country for the low low price of $89!!! No more buzzball specials necessary. no more reggie fathers day specials for that 4.0 league i want to play in. in this economy, this sounds appealing. shoot, is sounds appealing to me even now, crossed my mind to sell off my collection. hhmmmmmm?mgngcrz :eek:

lets look at the other side of that and go high end which is still cheap in the long run. (the very long run)
50 man order to ONE2WATCH for phatty-up custom figs at $10each - $500
Base them up right with miggle chip participants Norbert and Jim and $5 a base, you adding another $250
Go to up and coming painter and decaler Chuck Lawrence to style them out for you at say $6 a man (just sayin, dont know if thats his price, but its about what you might pay to anyone) - $300
you got yourself a decked out team that looks hotter than that cute chick at the 7Eleven night shift for the 1 TIME PRICE OF $1050. That sounds high, but a hot team like this, that you can play with forever because all events are now playing under standard rules?????? well thats a steal.
shoot, i feel like i drop a G every two months on this hobby. i must, cause the doctor always complains about how my kids are malnourished and my wife constantly nags me about how cold she is night - something about a hole in the roof or something like that.
the point is, a standard weight class AND OR RULE SET (to stick to the real point of Pauls thread) would eliminate the diversity of other ideas, innovations and creations. it would eliminate the need, the want and the FUN of building a different team for a different set of rules, to play against a different set of athletes and a different set of coaches.
and this, in effect, would eliminate the need to buy more figs - from anyone.

HOOP 01-27-2009 09:46 AM

me personally
i enjoy reading on and learning the different styles of play, and the different rule sets. i played a quick scrimmage with Jimbo at Miggle, as he showed me the mpfl style with his Chicago twist. and this, after i competed in the miggle tourney with the miggle rule set. and this, while studying the true mpfl way leading up to the tourney weekend. and this, just when i was really getting into the strategy divider and making one. and this, after thinking seriously about joining the BAM and the TSO ruleset after talking with Mozeek for a while. and this, after i studied many rulesets in order to form my OWN official rules for my solitaire league. but if we went to one standard rule set, none of these games, conversations and thoughts would not have to happen. i just gotta learn my standard ruleset, then rock the country when travel to their home stadiums.
that sounds cool for many i am sure, but not for many i am sure. and there is nothing wrong with that. thmbsp$

whew. sure hope i made some good points, cause i spent alotta time doing this. got a a bunch of students looking at me right now saying "uhh, Mr. Hooper, are we going to do question 2, or not?"

enjoy the day everyone, good thread here.


Steel Town Tough 01-27-2009 10:14 AM

Why not incluse all styles?
At your convention,just have seperate areas/rooms that play those styles.Have a shootoutroom,MPFL room,ect,ect..Then have talks or discussions that apply to all.One reason for this site was to allow coaches to discuss variations.Otherwise you might as well go back to miggle chat site.Do not contain the growing monster----STT

WEIRDWOLF 01-27-2009 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by Steel Town Tough (Post 64905)
At your convention,just have seperate areas/rooms that play those styles.Have a shootoutroom,MPFL room,ect,ect..Then have talks or discussions that apply to all.One reason for this site was to allow coaches to discuss variations.Otherwise you might as well go back to miggle chat site.Do not contain the growing monster----STT

Read the rules of the MFCA Points Challenge to be held at "The Big Camp In" in Canton this August and you will see that this is close to what we already do.

Coach K-LO 01-27-2009 12:20 PM

wow, I am glad I keep my prices in line with what is happening....

Originally Posted by HOOPER (Post 64899)
also while at miggle, i was talking to another coach who made a bold statement of "Electric Football is the most inexpensive hobby you could be in."

now mind you, just before that statement, a team sold for hundreds of dollars in this circle of friends while enjoying the happy hour, so the looks on our faces were like - "please man, sit down and stop drinking that juice".
but he explained.
if you just want to compete in a league, all you have to do is buy your figs and paints, decals, and bases, make your team and thats it, your done.
you dont have to pump anymore money into this hobby at all. yet, you can still enjoy the hobby with the team you have. this can go anywhere from
5 bags of miggle bigmen painted teams at $10 each - $50
3 bags of bases for this 50 man team at $8 a pop - $24
1 tweak tool at 15 dollars and you have your team set at 1 standard wait to rock with around the country for the low low price of $89!!! No more buzzball specials necessary. no more reggie fathers day specials for that 4.0 league i want to play in. in this economy, this sounds appealing. shoot, is sounds appealing to me even now, crossed my mind to sell off my collection. hhmmmmmm?mgngcrz :eek:

lets look at the other side of that and go high end which is still cheap in the long run. (the very long run)
50 man order to ONE2WATCH for phatty-up custom figs at $10each - $500
Base them up right with miggle chip participants Norbert and Jim and $5 a base, you adding another $250
Go to up and coming painter and decaler Chuck Lawrence to style them out for you at say $6 a man (just sayin, dont know if thats his price, but its about what you might pay to anyone) - $300
you got yourself a decked out team that looks hotter than that cute chick at the 7Eleven night shift for the 1 TIME PRICE OF $1050. That sounds high, but a hot team like this, that you can play with forever because all events are now playing under standard rules?????? well thats a steal.
shoot, i feel like i drop a G every two months on this hobby. i must, cause the doctor always complains about how my kids are malnourished and my wife constantly nags me about how cold she is night - something about a hole in the roof or something like that.
the point is, a standard weight class AND OR RULE SET (to stick to the real point of Pauls thread) would eliminate the diversity of other ideas, innovations and creations. it would eliminate the need, the want and the FUN of building a different team for a different set of rules, to play against a different set of athletes and a different set of coaches.
and this, in effect, would eliminate the need to buy more figs - from anyone.

thanks Hooper, you have made the high end sound out of my class.....Glad that my prices are in the middle.


detroitchild 01-27-2009 01:23 PM

$89 bucks, huh. Well...I guess that was better then my plan of waiting out in the parking lot at the Miggle convention with a ski mask and catching you guys comin' out one-by-one. :rtfl:


Originally Posted by HOOPER (Post 64899)
also while at miggle, i was talking to another coach who made a bold statement of "Electric Football is the most inexpensive hobby you could be in."

now mind you, just before that statement, a team sold for hundreds of dollars in this circle of friends while enjoying the happy hour, so the looks on our faces were like - "please man, sit down and stop drinking that juice".
but he explained.
if you just want to compete in a league, all you have to do is buy your figs and paints, decals, and bases, make your team and thats it, your done.
you dont have to pump anymore money into this hobby at all. yet, you can still enjoy the hobby with the team you have. this can go anywhere from
5 bags of miggle bigmen painted teams at $10 each - $50
3 bags of bases for this 50 man team at $8 a pop - $24
1 tweak tool at 15 dollars and you have your team set at 1 standard wait to rock with around the country for the low low price of $89!!! No more buzzball specials necessary. no more reggie fathers day specials for that 4.0 league i want to play in. in this economy, this sounds appealing. shoot, is sounds appealing to me even now, crossed my mind to sell off my collection. hhmmmmmm?mgngcrz :eek:

lets look at the other side of that and go high end which is still cheap in the long run. (the very long run)
50 man order to ONE2WATCH for phatty-up custom figs at $10each - $500
Base them up right with miggle chip participants Norbert and Jim and $5 a base, you adding another $250
Go to up and coming painter and decaler Chuck Lawrence to style them out for you at say $6 a man (just sayin, dont know if thats his price, but its about what you might pay to anyone) - $300
you got yourself a decked out team that looks hotter than that cute chick at the 7Eleven night shift for the 1 TIME PRICE OF $1050. That sounds high, but a hot team like this, that you can play with forever because all events are now playing under standard rules?????? well thats a steal.
shoot, i feel like i drop a G every two months on this hobby. i must, cause the doctor always complains about how my kids are malnourished and my wife constantly nags me about how cold she is night - something about a hole in the roof or something like that.
the point is, a standard weight class AND OR RULE SET (to stick to the real point of Pauls thread) would eliminate the diversity of other ideas, innovations and creations. it would eliminate the need, the want and the FUN of building a different team for a different set of rules, to play against a different set of athletes and a different set of coaches.
and this, in effect, would eliminate the need to buy more figs - from anyone.

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