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Norbert Revels 03-06-2009 07:07 PM

Help with my College solitare League name
Hello everybody, I need help in picking a name for my college solitare league,...........I want the name to also give the idea that the new coach can draft players off the teams,,,,I will play a full season with games on youtube (4 plays from the 50), each college team will have it's own page within the leagues website so coaches can go and check up on players progress, each player will have a small right up on performance, so if a coach needs to draft a OL or DL men, RB, TE, WR's or DB's, just click on a teams page and then click on the players charts and make your pick, this is a work in progress and will take alot of time to finish, (the pages) but it should be alot of fun, I get to play games using all the rule sets mixed in together and you get to follow the league and draft players if you like.

P.S. Now to get you smart guys juices flowin, I will give the coach whos name I pick a ton of untweaked bases,.....PLUS some original frosty plastic PROLINES,....yup heard right, original frosty plastic AND COLOR in proline form. TTC's and Rookies.

P.S. I guess you guys can respond here or PM me with your names for my league,..........once a name is picked, Wolf can begin work on a logo.

P.S. All Draftpicks are $5 each during the season, the end of the season, I will have a basedraft which will be free for all MFCA members, it will be 2 rounds, with 10 picks in each round.

Norbert Revels

Silverhorse 228 03-07-2009 10:21 AM

Here are some ideas Norbert
How about these...

CFDSL-College Football Draft Solitaire League
RDSL-Revels Draft Solitaire League
DDCSL-Detroit Draft College Solitaire League
TMDSL-Tweak Master Draft Solitaire League
CDSSL-College Draft Series Solitaire League

I put my favorites in bold...good luck on the league!

Norbert Revels 03-07-2009 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by Silverhorse 228 (Post 70028)
How about these...

CFDSL-College Football Draft Solitaire League
RDSL-Revels Draft Solitaire League
DDCSL-Detroit Draft College Solitaire League
TMDSL-Tweak Master Draft Solitaire League
CDSSL-College Draft Series Solitaire League

I put my favorites in bold...good luck on the league!

Those are very good names, thank you, heres afew more that have been mentioned.

NMFL-Norberts Miniature Football League
MFCL-Miniature Football College League
MFFAL-Miniature Football Free agent League
NMCFL-National Miniature College Football League

Norbert Revels

Norbert Revels 03-07-2009 11:00 AM

Heres another one just in.

MCFCL- Miniature College Football Combine League

Norbert Revels

joel_p1 03-07-2009 01:09 PM

Tweaked Iron College League. or TICL - Tickle league..:rtfl:

Jim Davis 03-07-2009 01:10 PM



detroitchild 03-07-2009 01:56 PM

The "Thor's Hammer" College Football League. thmbsp$

(You know where to send the bases my friend) :rtfl::rtfl:lffng$lffng$:nhnh::nhnh:

Geno H 03-07-2009 05:22 PM

REVELS Rookies EVEaluated League Solitaire I know I cheated on the spelling of evaluated.


The NORB National Open Rookie Bank

Geno H

Norbert Revels 03-07-2009 07:04 PM

Outsanding names guys
Thank you so much, I allready see one that sticks out, in a couple days I will snag the names and place them in a poll thread and let everyone vote on there favorite, thanks for all your help coaches.

Norbert Revels

RPD 03-07-2009 08:46 PM

Norbert, this is what I've come up with:

" The Frenzy " also known as the: " CLFB "
F-Free Agent

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