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NEW CASTLE HiTMEN 09-25-2007 01:38 PM

Pros and Cons to FOB tackling?
I want to hear some testimony on the pros and cons of front of base tackling. I am considering playing with this type of tackling. Thanks.

Coach K-LO 09-25-2007 02:38 PM

here are some of the things I have found out......
I don't know about the CONS, but we have been league-playing FOB since 2002 and it has been great.

- you will need to have talent on your team, not just stength on the O-line and D-line

- the running game can become your 'go to' plays...

- removal of the 'back of the base' tackles

- more scoring for those who learn how to execute their plays better.

Geno H 09-25-2007 02:40 PM

Oh my this should be interesting. I am in the recliner feet up snacks in hand.

I have never played FOB (front of base). I have only played AT (any touch).
I am also interested.

Geno H

joel_p1 09-25-2007 04:05 PM

Does the FOB also apply to a receiver that has busted thru on a long pass and now no one is able to stop him? Or does any touch now apply after he has caught a pass? Is FOB only used on a running play?
Just needed some more clarification. Ive never played FOB before either.

jeff 09-25-2007 04:10 PM

FOB is on running plays only.

joel_p1 09-25-2007 04:12 PM

Thanks Jeff,
For that very quick response and info.. Good luck in your league and have a nice day..

Coach K-LO 09-25-2007 05:30 PM

FOB is used thru the entire game in the BEFL .....

FOB can work in the passing game, but you can't always play a blitzing defense .... even in AT world............

BAXTER 09-25-2007 08:41 PM

Not Many Cons On Offense
Easier to run the ball
More options to choose from
Easier to have a more balanced offensive attack
Less of a threat for the passing QB being tackled
It takes less skill to move the ball
Easier to run and execute real football plays
Some coaches can run the ball the entire game (every single play)
Some coaches can pass the ball the entire game (every single play)

Accuracy is at premium
You are forced to play more balanced
Many coaches tend to use more players on the LOS
Many coaches tend to use more players in the box
Playing the gaps on the D line is a good idea
It takes more skill and understanding of your players to make tackles
Seeing and Agreeing on Tackles can be more controversial

D line play is usually relegated to forward strength
More difficult to run stunts or employ deception on the D line w/out paying for it

Depending on the rule set, it can end-up being more about strength than skill, speed, finesse and strategy. In other words it can end-up being like -rugby. So, it is important to use a set of rules that will prevent rugby ball.

Please keep in mind that the above is just my opinion from my experience and observations. This is definitely not a comprehensive listing of pros and cons. These are just some things from off the top. Also, please keep in mind that different rule-sets may allow for more/less flexibility of the items listed above.

Hey Joel,

Some leagues use FOB on all plays. Others might use FOB on all plays except for pass plays and/or kick-offs. It appears that the differences could be more related to your geographical location or league.

:) :) :D :) :)

joel_p1 09-25-2007 09:38 PM

Thanks for all the info and insight Adrian, would like to play this style and see how it goes. Well back to painting and tweaking, wish I had a new set of hands and eyes.
Take care and see ya soon.

artlax 09-25-2007 10:45 PM


Tackle is made when the TACKLERS" FOB touches anywhere on the ballcarrier/receiver.


Tackle is made ONLY when a TACKLER makes contact with the FRONT of the Ball carrier/receiver?

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