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Tudorian 10-07-2008 08:34 AM

EF/MF Arrives At Bryant Park This Friday

The sport of EF/MF will arrive in historic Bryant Park in Manhattan this Friday morning around 11 a.m. complements of Tudorian(Paul L. Gardner). Weather permitting, of course.

Using the battery-operated board, I will play solitaire, pitting my New York Jets against my New York Giants --this will create fan interest galore.

Thousands of New Yorkers and tourists pass through the park on any given Friday.

This promises to be an outstanding promo.

Anyone wishing to join me, or stop by, can contact me at 212-369-6623. I will be seating on the metal picnic tables near Sixth Avenue and 40th Street.

Wish me luck.

Carpe Diem,
Paul Leslie Gardner

P.S. - Anyone wishing to send me contact information about their league, feel free to do so, and I will distribute it to interested parties.

Coach K-LO 10-07-2008 08:52 AM

good luck!!

canadatabletopgames 10-07-2008 08:58 AM

best of luck of all of you guys


JIMBO 10-07-2008 09:43 AM

Awesome Idea
Good Luck, Paul! I'm anxious to hear your AAR!

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