Hey Jimbo, I 've met that guy before....it's best to stay away from him. Just keep doing what your doing.
Originally Posted by JIMBO
...I quit my solitaire league several years ago! The head guy kept changin' all the rules!!! Not even season to season, he would change from game to game and sometimes even play to play. He said he wanted to "better simulate the REAL game!" What a crock. That guy should win an Emmy for all the crap he concocted - or would that make him an Iron Chef or something. Whatever! I should look him up, I'm getting bored NOT playing. At least he's better than nothing.  Come to think of it, he did have some really cool ideas. 
EM-F-er [ěm -f-er] – noun-abr-slang: Electric Miniature Footballer
1. a person/hobbyist/gamer who creates a representation of American Football in a small or reduced scale for competition or show.
2. the majority of forum users on the website, www.miniaturefootball.org
3. One Bad Em-F-er, negative shout out; pertaining to weirdwolf: There goes one bad EM-F-er. I mean he can’t play and ain’t never win nothin’!