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Old 12-01-2006, 01:43 PM
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Anthony D Burgess Anthony D Burgess is offline
Join Date: Nov 2006
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Default True words

You right, very right. May be the hobby is not the issue, but the men that play it !

Saying you don't like something, then tell us why in a logical manner. But most don't have a logical reason why they don't like something other then it will take away there little advantage. And none of it has any thing to do with football.
Originally Posted by THE PEOPLE'S CHAMP View Post
First off, why is it that every other week this same topic comes up in some form or another? I can say and be reasonably sure with statement that the hobby is too big, too many egos involved and to much cliquiness (is that a real word? Well, for this application it is.). Everyone always shoots me down when I say this about the cliques but I am going to prove it after seeing the responses to a post on the miggle. But later for that. Just like every conference in the NCAA has a different set of rules I think it is ok to have different rulesets. It is easy to say as some are quick to do "well, if they don't like it then they can just not play." But let's look at it in this perspective. Let's just hypothisize and say everyone agrees on this "one way" theory. And the ball is in motion everything is going well. The WORLD ASSOCIATION OF ELECTRIC FOOTBALLERS is formed. YES!! YES!! YES!! WE DID IT!!! WE DID...hey wait a minute. I think that passes that deflect off of receivers and hit D-backs should be picks. There isn't anything about that in here. Guy #2-I think we should not be able to use custom figures. Guy #3 - I think we suould be able to use boiled bases. All 3 guys well "I'm not playing". The WAEF "FINE". The three guys say "I know let's make our own orginization. Get a bunch of guys and make our own set of rules as a national standard." Thus, the UNIVERSAL ASSOCAITION OF ELECTRIC FOOTBALLERS is formed. YES!! YES!! YES!! WE DID IT!!! WE DID...hey, wait a minute... It will always go on and on and my question is what would make one orginization better than the other as the "OFFICIAL STANDARD" of electric football? What would making an "OFFFICIAL STANDARD" Of electric football really do to "advance/better" the game? These are the questions that need to be answered.

I like playing with the strategy divider once in a while, or playing where you have to have actual splits on the o-line instead of "maul ball" all of the time. The differences is what makes this game special.

As long as you have so many different leagues then you will always have a lot of different ways to play and I think that is good. As for tourneys then you are always going to have different sets of rules that is the nature of that beast.

Just my coupla' pennies.
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