I'm currently working on my french ruleset. THe goal is to make a "french friendly" ruleset, meaning easy to understand, easy to operate rules.
For that, thinking about the lack of players here, I want to keep the timing simple and realistic. So in my ruleset, you time it like that :
advanced ruleset (tournament finals, league play) :
- 4x15minutes, clock stopped on out of bound and scores.
- "Deployement" in 40 seconds, simultaneously. The timer is launched only once each player moved his complete squad on his side of the LOS.
- Audibles and reajustements
basic ruleset (tournament rows, friendly fast gaming) :
- 2x20 minutes, clock stopped on out of bound and scores.
- "Deployement" in 50 seconds, simultaneously. The timer is launched only once each player moved his complete squad on his side of the LOS.
- Audibles and reajustements
Why using simultaneous deployement ? To keep the game fast and easy.
One thing I don't like in most of rulesets, is to lose time in setting up the speaking timer once for the offense, once for the defense. So one of the guys is focusing on the timer, not the game. Here we does not have enough players to put one on timing. So 3 timers (one offense, one defense, one general timing) is just...boring.
The other reason is that we want to keep the action fast and smooth. Football timing stoppages are something very difficult to understand for a french.
Using a system like that, we need a good audible/adjustement system to keep the game interesting on a strategic point of view.
I was thinking about allowing a specific number of pivots, and a specific numbers of figures moves.
It's where I need your input. THinking about the system I want to use, how many pivots and figures moves (O and D) should we allow to keep the things fair, realistic, and fast ?
I already have my own idea, but I wonder what you "pros" are thinking about it first.
thank you.