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Old 10-02-2010, 02:29 PM
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the french guy the french guy is offline
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thank you both for the help

This is fast and exciting. Now, the offense must perform their shifts and pivots in correct order. I like to set my defense up as quickly as possible showing an overload to a side making the offense think they can run to the opposite side, and then I shift my men to the other side just before the offense finishes their set-up! Just some strategy you can use. It is terrific! I wish more coaches would try this system. They would love it! I think the main problem with minature football is that most coaches like to play slow and cover all possibilities. Well football is a game of numbers (out numbering your opponent and gaining an advantage. Real strategy comes in real time, you must make quick decisions. This opens the game up to another level. These are just my opinions. I will post a video in the near future of a game to show how easy and realistic this approach to minature football really is!

I 'll make a try to do 100% realtime stuff to see if I like it

I don't know the best way to achieve the balance you are wanting but one way to maintain strategic interest in the game is to not place so many restricitions on game play
It's why I'm thinking about that question of "after clock" pivots/moves possibility. Perhaps your idea of "post snap" pivots can be a good way to keep the thing realtime during setup, but allowing some flexibility and strategic possibilities just after the snap, without using any timing...

I have to test all that. Thank you for the ideas !
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