Honestly, I readed twice the topic concerning that solitaire league and just didn't undestand anything. You have one team (real team with figures, bases and all, right ? ), and you'll play against who ? teams sended by mail by other solitaire coaches ? Or you'll play against your own other teams, representing the team of another solitaire coach ?
I mean, you and I are in conference A, composed of 2 teams, team 1 and team2. My team is "team1" and your team is "team2". Each of us need to have all the teams in the conference to play the games.
When I play my team against another teams represented by another solitaire coach, it's like a home game for me, and the stats and points will go for me AND for the team of the other solitaire coach ?
So you need your team and all the other teams engaged in the league (or at least, the conference) to be able to create games and stats for each schedule dates opposing your team against another one, am I correct ?
If I understand correctly the concept, it's why I didn't participate to that league, because of my lack of extra teams and bases.