OK, thanks a lot
Let me see what I have available here, and re-read all the stuff to be sure I understood

and come back with questions later in the evening (here it's 7.30pm, I just came back from work).
I will also need bases. I have a big lack of bases
if anyone 's got miggle rookie bases (regular bases on sprue), just hit me on PM, I'll buy them for regular price. It's just really difficult to buy things from France.
I'm waiting for bases for my main team (buzzball bases) but I want to keep them for my "competitive" teams. For solitaire game, the cheaper, the better, I have some good tweaking results wit simple miggle rookies.
EDIT : I have about 30 figures I can use for that league. Fab 5 regular figures (not bigmen), the first MF figures I had (thanks to Scott!) I kept most of them "alive" because of the size. All the bigmen went in my "big" teams and main projects box. I kept these "small" fab5 for future solitaire projects (arena football, Japan Xleague, or France Elite), so it's a good occasion to use them.
I'll repaint them to show you that I can paint the fast way too, not only making 2 or 3 athletes by month