Yeah I saw them, not in real unfortunatly but on tv !
I was happy to see Smith (the good one

) playing
Of course the first half was a matter of security, running the ball, short pocket pass, all on Gore...Not really incredibly fun to see (I still don't get why they played so secure with just a 3-0 on the scoreboard...

but that's the actual Niners way of playing, making weird decisions sometimes

but we saw some good action on second half. Smith even blocked a guy to help Gore running ! Heavy hit, that QB has b*lls and not pose a knee on floor or throw out of boud when he see a LB running at 10yards of him...
He's not afraid of contact, (and they said his thin/small athletic shape should be a problem) and have a spectacular play in motion (I believe it's the name of it in english, I mean "moving then passing") moves. He also scored his own TD.
The team did not too much penalties too...comparing to last games, at least
In one word, great game. And really impressive stadium and crowd.
To conclude, here in France we say "on ne change pas une équipe qui gagne ("we do not change a winning team) so I hope next game = same starting roster.