New Kicking Rules
Attached are some new rules that I have been using in my solitaire play to create more realistic action for kick offs, onside kicks, and safety kicks.
The basics are that a kicker figure (TTQB, TDK, etc...) must be used to kick the ball and a coach must develop the skills necessary to use this figure. It will also reguire the player of miniature electric football to develop a game plan strategy for special teams play in returning and covering kicks.
Thanks for reading and please ask any quesstions. I will try to explain as best I can.
"All right, now, I don't want them to gain *another yard!* * You blitz…all…night!* If they cross the line of scrimmage, I'm gonna take every last one of you out! You make sure they remember, *forever*, the night they played the Titans!" from Remeber the Titans