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Old 11-15-2010, 07:00 PM
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the french guy the french guy is offline
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Default Special passing plays (passing sim), need ideas


I'm still thinking and experimenting things for my french ruleset.

As you know I'm using the passing stick (inspired by buzzball rules) simulation system, with scale (according to my 42" board) sticks.

That system works great and is quite realistic for most of the passing plays. It allows adjustements like in stoppages systems, but keeping the game fast and easy to follow.

But I still think that the pass type you can see on the picture below (don't know the name in english, the goal is to put the CB on a false route and turn back to catch the pass) the passing simulation system has some weakness...

If you use the passing sticks, you know that more far the WR is, the longer stick you'll use (making the pass more difficult to complete). But on the particular type of passing I describe on the picture, it's not satisfying.

Because when you stop the board and measure the distance from QB helmet to WR helmet, you take the distance from QB to the position where the WR will turn (representing the moment you turn off the board, make pivots and angle the sticks). But if you go down the field, actually you'll simulate the fact the WR will try to catch a pass significantly shorter.

in fact, with the passing sticks, that type of passing system fakes the CB...and the QB also !

You measure the big distance when you switch off the board, then, place the ball marker...and go for a shorter distance pass than the one the stick measurements means. I don't know if what I'm saying is clear, it's 1am and I'm tired

So I posted that topic to see how you do yourself or if you have any ideas about that. Keep it simple, no dices, ttqb or whatever

thanks !
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