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Old 11-18-2010, 05:01 AM
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the french guy the french guy is offline
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thanks for the advices

Concerning the range of that type of passing, I'm pretty sure I see abou the same in real football games, on short but medium range also. The goal was (I believe ! ) to bring the CB outside (running the sideline) and then, "hook" him inside, in a way like a running back or kick returner (fast direction changing), to catch the pass. Even if, as far as I remember, a fast tackle was always the final result of these moves, it was a good way to escape a too sticky CB.

On passing simulation, since the defense not engaged man can try to intercept (hitting the ball marker), the move I described utility is obvious : putting the CB behind the receiver so he can't intercept the pass without making a fault (since the WR will be placed between the ball marker and the CB).

Do you see what I mean ?

Last edited by the french guy : 11-18-2010 at 05:03 AM.
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