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Old 12-10-2010, 05:14 AM
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the french guy the french guy is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: south west of France, Europe
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I'm happy to be in some lists here !It's certainly because you think it will add a easy victory to your winning list

Anyway, I think also about a lot of names in the hobby...the first coming into my mind are Scott Hooper, Reginald Rutlegde (to make him appreciate 1vs1 gaming again ! I'm one of the most peacefull guy you can find ) , my canadian cousins also, the guys in the phillyNFL league (for what I saw on video, I like the atmosphere of their games, quiet and peacefull...).

For what I see on videos, I believe I should be able to play in an honorable level, my tweaking is not so bad, I love the strategic aspect (even if I don't know the name of 99% of the plays I call ) or at least, have fun (not speaking of TTQB...on target trainings I'm a decent thrower, not the case in game action...). Maybe one day.
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