I definately see where you are coming from. I've personally had some good success tweaking the 8 thick prong TTC's (couldn't tell you one from another) for power, then adding some weight to them.
As we up here are new to this we are pretty much just feeling things out as we go but I've had 6 gram linemen do well against heavier bases than that. (granted the more we play around with them the better we are getting at tweaking and weighting bases) The best part I have found about using a TTC on the Oline was I could make a dial adjustment to try and create a hole for a running play without overtly giving away what I'm trying to do. Of course that is a pretty small sample size, as we only have three games in the books tightening up our rules to make it as straight forward to new people (aka everyone here) as possible.
The hardest part is up here we literally have no frame of reference other than a few bases that had been tweaked and sent up from some coaches. (thank you) I've been able to get close to matching the speed bases now because of some that were sent up and I could see how they were doing it, with the power bases I seem to be holding my own just fine with the ones that came up.
But it is very true that the right amount of weight makes a difference. I tweaked a DT that started at a little over 3 grams and added a little weight at a time, when it hit 5 grams it flew off like a shot and blew a testing lineman (6 grams) about 7 yards into the backfield in a second. I added more weight to it and it still pushed but no where near as hard.
As for weighting by position I follow what makes sense. If they are heavier in real life then they will be heavier on my team. And I am using 5 DL 4 LB and 6 DB on defense so I can sub out what I need more of depending on the situation. (we are going with a basic setup of 30 man squads to start out. After we have more people involved and truly customizing their own teams then we'll get rid of that. But it's a nice simple way for us to start out)
I also agree we need to see others play and see how it is done. Unfortunately when you live 1200 miles from the closest ******** league it does make it tough

I'd love to actually host an event up here one day. Let the boys play EF and send the wives to Banff (mountain tourist town)
I am curious to see/hear how heavy you guys that do play multi-stop are making your players on average (assuming of course that isn't a state secret). Like I said we have no frame of reference.