You know... I barely made it to Miggle this year with all I have going on with my family and work. But my "brother in EF," Don Lang, and my man John Stamm convinced me to "suck it up" and I made it there late Friday. I missed the dinner but I flew in with a vintage 620 and got to the hotel about 9:15 PM or so.
After getting a bite, to eat, chatting it up with Karim and K-Lo, and then hitting the Miggle store I started scrimmaging into the wee hours with Don, John and my new friend AC. The next day I hit the tourney, showed some love to the fellas selling their wares (big ups to my boys Ronnie and Warren for taking care of me with some choice items). Later, before I knew it, I was in a late nite tweaking session with Vince P., followed by a scrimmage to about to 3:00AM with my main man Karim.
The next morning I get up, have breakfast with some other coaches, check out the tournamnent, hit the stores again, and watch the finals between Ken and Jamel. Ken, you know I was rootin' for you man! Wish it would have worked out... but that return was a back breaker. Congrats to Jamel for playing a great game. Hung in there even after being down. Ken was all class as usual and gave a great congratulatory speech to Jame following a tough loss.
Before, I know it I'm back on a plane to Texas and I'm asking how did I almost allow myself to miss such a wonderful event and a chance to hang out with my friends????
Neddless to say, it was the best convention ever and I was sorry it was over so fast. The EF crew has become like a second family to me in such a short time. It's amazing how one hobby can have such a great group of guys.
I agree with Don, we have to figure out a way to keep his thing going.