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Old 01-29-2011, 11:33 AM
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eflfanatic eflfanatic is offline
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Default OK here's one

In the Miggle tournament round robin games, you only have 4 plays to either score or gain the most yards. You win the coin toss, do you take the ball first or go on defense first.

My thoughts are to always go on defense first. That way I know what I have to do when I get the ball. If my opponent scores then I know that I have to probably pass to try to score. If my opponent does not score and only gains X amont of yards then I can try a combination of run and pass plays to gain the most yards.
"All right, now, I don't want them to gain *another yard!* * You blitz…all…night!* If they cross the line of scrimmage, I'm gonna take every last one of you out! You make sure they remember, *forever*, the night they played the Titans!" from Remeber the Titans
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