Respect for the hobby and the many who play it is important.
Just because we are men or call our selfs men doesn't give you the right to say anything and not show proper respect. But then if someone does to you what you have done to others then you cry!!!!!!!! Big Baby!!!!:rolleyes:
Any and all positive comments and remarks are more than welcome, but negative comments show lack of respect for the coaches playing, cast a bad light on the hobby and the league that your playing under, as well as reflect poor sportsmanship.
Befor this hobby can be respected by people out side of this community it must first be respected by the people who are in the community.
Leaders of the many leagues around the country need to crack down on this type of behavior and not condone it.
In my league I don't tolerate this type of behavior, integrity is very important part of my league as this reflects me, other members, the league as a hole, and has no place hear.
Sad to say that I had to terminate membership indefinitely with two guys due to there inability to follow league rules and conduct. They were disruptive durring the game, questioning the officials calls on every play, mocking league official, and just making the game experience awful.
Individuals like this have no place in my league as they will prevent quality men from joining and cause your league many issues in the future.
All stem from lack of respect, poor sportsmanship, and no integrity. Same hold true for hecklers, arm chair QB's.
Games in the MPFL are very fun and we injoy one another very much. And after the games we sit and talk about the game and past games. My members put the Professional in Miniature Professional Football League.