Sideline Antics
I think it comes down to 2 things: the personality of the player who's playing and the atmoshere you enjoy your Electric Football Experience. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the comical behavior, but I've seen the Fan Bashing and Heckling get way out of order. Some guys want all the bells and whistles of their EF experience and some guys don't, and you have to respect their chooses. I really believe this is the knife that separates guys in the hobby, not the rules. Heckling and Bashing, at who's expense? No! I perfer not to have it in my EF experience. To me, this is a recreational outlit, not a free for all when someone's not playing well. You don't do that to people and I don't like being around people who do that, especially to others.
This is what happen to Me:
At the SWB in 06, I was testing Bill Proche's Board, one of his Fields of Dreams. It took me some time to get use to his rotory motor board and his boiled team. This guy in the back ground said, "Some much for the Coaches' DVD!" Dude don't know me from Adam! As a matter of fact, I've never seen him before the Brawl. It took everything within me not to go completely off! His remarks were unwaranted. From that point on, my weekend went down hill. I no longer wanted to be there.
Keith Chalmers told me that during the Miggle Tournament this year, during the Quaterfinals, he had to get up and walk away from the game. For a half hour he paced back and forth in the men's room to calm his self down because his opponent was making all kinds of derogatory remarks during the game!
Is this the type of experience we want people to have in Electric Football?
Guys, this is a hobby, a recreational outlit, not a sport! You don't know what people are going through at home, or at work! They come to get a break from the hustle and bustle of life, only to get heckled because they're not playing well? That's what Irate Sports Fans Do! Some of you guys have your priorities all screwed up! You have forgotten what this thing is all about. It's not about winning, or styles of play, or rules, or base tweak'in, or TT Passing skills. It's about people!........ It's about people!.... How do people feel about you as a person, when you get up from the board or leave the room? Do they feel better because they were in your presence, or do they feel worst?
With all that being said, I perfer guys in our league to leave their "Buffoonery" at the door and enjoy the company of their opponent!