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Old 11-30-2007, 02:35 PM
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Default thanks...


Thanks for the compliments. I not going to lie, I am probably the only person on this earth who actually dug this uniform. That being said I think all uniforms look better on MF figures...maybe because we love MF. I hate the Bill's uniforms with all of those different blues but someone did them in MF and posted the pic...the uni looked awesome on MF figs. It's just something about seeing it in miniature.

The Excalibur figure is from the new game but I did add thigh pads, knee pads, and arms. These Excalibur figs have great helmets and faces. Lomax, I will post pics soon.

Joe, the eyes are painted. For eyes I use a round toothpick. First I paint a white dash. Then I add a black dot to the middle. Finally I go back and make the white area as thin as possible by touching it up with the skin tone. When I look at these pics I wish I had made some of these eyes a tad bit thinner.

So far my heaviest figure has come in at 2.2 grams without a base. My plan is to make this team completely unboiled to fit our 3.3 weight limit. This will definately exclude TTCs on many of these figures. I don't know if it was you or 5-13 who gave the tip on epoxy sculpt but I have to say thanks! I like it better than miliput.

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