Coolest thing about reading old issues of "THE TWEAK"
as i talk to more on the board,
as i meet more guys at different venues,
its cool to look back in the tweak magazines of old and see pictures and read articles by guys i now know.
before, what were just pictures of somebody in the hobby, are now familiar faces and often reminders of a good weekend of MF or a good talk on the board, PM's or on the phone.
Just looked at the summer 07 and said things like
"I didnt know Steve was a lawyer." this was cool cause just an hour ago i was marveling over Morgan State team he sold me.
"So thats what BigLock looks like." i always pictured him with a big state trooper hat, dark glasses and a cigar, but his picture in this issue was close enough.
"OHHH, so thats Coach J." My man ALWAYS has a pleasant greeting for someone, especially anyone new to the board. it was cool to put a face to his postings.
so many more, dont want to leave some others out but gotta run quickly.
the wife is screaming for me, we are on the way to my mothers house for Easter dinner. Talk later everyone.
"Coming honey......"
Does my post promote miniature football in a positive or fun way?
Does my post positively support my league, my fellow coaches and the hobby?
Does my post show to others my good fellowship and strong integrity?