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Old 02-15-2007, 03:40 PM
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Kansas Bill Kansas Bill is offline
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Olathe, Kansas
Posts: 578
Default Tornado Alley Base Site Up

Finally... I was surprised it took this long to finally get the site published and going.. (After a few phonecalls)..

Anyway.. Please feel free to browse at and take a look at the new bases, game tables, tweak services, and indoor football goalposts.

We had planned on having a message board that everyone could talk about any product on.. But with the work that Beenutt has done here, there was really no reason for it.. PLUS.. This one is entirely independent.. I did put the address for this forum on the front page of our site.

Thanks for your patience.. If I had known it was gonna take a week to finally get the bases up for sale, I would have waited to say we had them in our grubby little hands.
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