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Old 09-19-2008, 10:27 AM
BAXTER BAXTER is offline
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Land of the Silver Surfers
Posts: 298
Default EBAY Help Needed


I am truly in desparate need of some assistance with using Ebay to sell some teams.

One coach has already provided me with information on how to locate/use the "reserve" amount thingy, but I am just not smart enough to locate it.

Could someone please provide me with some step-by-step instruction on how to locate this? I will be forever eternally greatful. Thx!

The Patriots team I currently have listed will have to be removed and relisted later, but I not sure, at the moment, on how to pull it. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated as well.

Leader of the Silver Surfers

Last edited by BAXTER : 09-19-2008 at 10:30 AM.
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