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Old 09-19-2008, 03:49 PM
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GrandMasterKC GrandMasterKC is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: South River, NJ Raised: NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ
Posts: 2,481
Thumbs up Man it feels good.....

I just got a couple of calls from some of my jr coaches from my old school. We are having a EF gameday at the public libray in New Brunswick, NJ this Sat and next Sat and to hear them say they are comming made my eyes water. The love you hear in their voices and the energy the present about EF. Some told me they dont have bases, some lost teams. Thanks to the generosity of our EF family, they will get boards, bases, and get to spend a day retooling and rehoning their skills. I hope to set up a monthly jr coach clash with New Brunswick.vs. South Brunswick.

I can not explain the feeling, but I know that we are all about saving them children and giving them options. I assure my EF family that every gift that is meant for them is fo them and this time....I get to take pictures. if just 3 show up that will serve the purpose.
One of the kids asked me..."Mr. Campbell will we get trophies and stuff" I just laughed for it reminded me of how far I would go out on a limb for these young fellas.

Can you imagine the look on a kids face when he receives a #620 board and or paints some figs priceless.

* this where you pick up new plays....the youth...the future of EF.

Last edited by GrandMasterKC : 09-19-2008 at 03:59 PM.
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