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Old 09-30-2008, 06:04 PM
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Hook'em Horns Hook'em Horns is offline
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 740
Default That's funny stuff...

That's some funny stuff! That's a pretty common occurrence in that line of work though. I've seen worse right before a show goes live, its pandamonium! Did youguys ever watch the ESPN special where they went behind the scenes and showed what goes on to put on a show? People were running stats back and forth, up and down it was crazy! I'm surprised they were set to go with time to spare and he had that time to just relax before they went live. That's funny!

On another note...Emmitt sucks as an analyst! I mean SUCKS horribly!
Austin, Texas! Titletown USA!
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