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Old 10-29-2008, 08:39 AM
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Rock Solid Rock Solid is offline
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Toms River, NJ
Posts: 279
Default Do you know what section ?

I tailgate in the route 3 side of the parking lot first lot on the westbound side.

I am sitting in seat 12 row 3 section 133. just off the 20 yard line on the cowboys side.

Where are your seats. I will look for you in the binoculars. Are you going to play in the parking lot? It would be a great venue for a Giants-Cowboys buzzball matchup.

My cousin's tailgate event is so timed and scheduled that he would freak if I brought a gameboard and teams. I can do that in the summer at the games that don't count.

If I don't see you , enjoy the game.


I thought you had the "raiderman" handle in mothballs for a while ?
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