not many.
1975,1976,1977,1978,1979 i lost only one game in all of these seasons, we played two seasons a year, but we only played 10 game seasons, and each coach used two teams, so i was 104 and 1. we stopped the North end League before 1980, and i didnt play but 5 games(have all records of games hidden somewhere) from 1980 until 1997, and i lost 3 of them. then i met a few guys down here who also played and i went about 9 and 3. Then we, along with Glenn ,Rick,Donald,Derrick made up the HEFL where i only lost 1 game in 4 seasons, and was champion until the father/son fantastic duo klingbiels ,each defeated me at the end of the HEFL's last season. so in a nutshell i was league champ 14 seasons in all. my most memorable loss was to the infamous raiderman who showed me you can use the tackle figure for more than offensive linemen(lol), and also thats where i learned tweaked bases will whup your good 30 year old nontweaked bases easily.