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Old 03-26-2007, 11:30 AM
Decal Master
Posts: n/a
Default Miniature Professional Football League - 2007 Season Tutoring Program

In an attempt to prepare rookie head coaches for the 2007 MPFL season, I am organizing a tutoring program.

The goal of this program is simple; to provide one-to-one instruction between veteran MPFL coaches and the incoming rookie class. It works as follows:

The current timetable for the kickoff of the 2007 season is 8-10 weeks. We have discussed expansion frachises with seven (7) aspiring coaches in the MD, DC, VA area.

During that time period, each incoming (rookie) head coach will report directly to one of our veteran coaches. All questions and concerns will be discussed directly with your tutor. Your tutor will also serve as a consistant partner for exhibition games and practice sessions.

I have been hearing concerns form our prospective draft class that there is a lack of consistent information available regarding the upcoming season. I am also aware that many new coaches are unsure of their ability to compete with so little practice time between now and kickoff weekend.

Tutors will be assigned to rookie coaches by Commissioner Burgess. Note that rookies with strong ties to veteran coaches may request to be paired with that individual. There will be only one tutor assigned to each rookie coach.

Let me also say that there will be no discrimination of coaches who play in multiple leagues so long as your MPFL committments are upheld.

I am working this week to get verbal confirmation from our prospective rookie coaches. Next week, we will begin the pairing and the 2007 pre-season will be officially underway.

Last edited by Decal Master : 03-26-2007 at 11:33 AM.
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