Well Done
Well Said !
Coaches need to get on the ball ASAP!
$40.00 League fee will be due by mid April 07 , and must be paid in full . If you didn't pay last year , you will need to add that late payment to this seasons fee , or if you owe add this to your fee .
If you don't pay , you don't play !
And as was stated , if you want to play in more that one league while playing in the MPFL , then you must understand your options.
1: Honor your Commitment To the MPFL
Play your games on time.
2: Stand in
If you have another coach stand in for you to keep your commitment . He , or she must play with your team . The League must know who your stand in coaches are befor the start of the 07 season .
3: Forfet
If you are unable to keep your commitment to play your game , ( once a week ) , and or are 20min late this will be a forfet .
Please pass this information on to ALL new coaches and current coaches .