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Old 03-02-2009, 07:59 AM
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Anthony D Burgess Anthony D Burgess is offline
Join Date: Nov 2006
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When I use to Kick box in martial arts tournaments there was a system that allowed for all forms of the art to be used. You had Forms, weapons forms, and fighting.

A punch was a punch and a kick was a kick no matter the style of martail art you were in, Karate vs Kung Fu, Kempo vs Judo, etc.

Well I believe the same blut print will work, it every one would work together and stop trying to get what they want so they have a better chance to win and focus on what is best or the hobby.

Martial Arts wins when you allow for all forms of the art to compete, well how about doing the same hear, is it more important that you win or the hobby wins?

You have a number of passing procedures, bases, figures, so why not simplifiy things?

Do away with the the issue of base and player weight, and focus on the game of football and uphold the elements of football.

Simple aint it? A no weight area and a weighted area, WOW 2 areas of competition, that is a start.

Over the years many have succeeded in taking a simple game and making it complicated with concerns about what figures and bases are legal, and trying to make every one the same, that is not the answer.

We love this hobby and that is what we all have in common, we have different ideas of what we think is good, well bring you're game plane and play another coach and his game plan in a balanced form that will support all coacking styles, ideas, etc with out restrictions.

But you may have to surrender what you like for what is best for the hobby and right now male pride is preventing many of you from doing so.

And please understand this important point, Many of the things we like are things deep down inside that we feel gives us an advantage and you don't want to lose that advantage that is why many of you don't want to see the advancement of this hobby.

Search you're self and be honest with you're self, that is the very first step need to head in a positive direction.
Ethics, Morals, Integrity, with out it you have nothing. Pray, Eat, Sleep Football. WWW.MPFLFOOTBALL.COM

Last edited by Anthony D Burgess : 03-16-2009 at 07:43 PM.
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