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Old 03-16-2009, 12:54 AM
Posts: n/a

As an outsider looking in, this seems a little absurd that there ISN'T a standard set of rules available to play. Of course each league will have their own tweaks to the rules and varying methods for dealing with different events in the game. But I've been a war gamer for 27 years and have even designed a game professionally, and when I go to a sanctioned tournament...I know that I can go to any city in any state and know that the rules for Warhammer, Advanced Squad Leader, Warmachine, Flames of War, Field of Glory, and on and on...will be the same for me as the guy I've never met. We both know what rules we're playing by, and what our conduct should be. That's for an official sanctioned tournament...but if I walk into the same place on a casual gaming night, I am prepared to be faced with any number of house rules and modifications. And I will play by them because I'm a guest in the house.

Like I said...I'm the new kid on the block, but I really don't understand some of the venom being spewed against the idea of a core set of rules. never hear chess or go players complaining about this!

My suggestion for kicking this off would be this:

The most respected members of the forum....that is those who have developed their own rule sets and head the different leagues around the states...should come together and form a committee. This committee should find the aspects that all forms of EF have in common and start from there. It is clear that a universal set should include options for play with and without the TTQB. The core set should focus on elegance, simplicity, and removing guesswork whenever possible. Player weight also seems to be a point of contention so that would have to be worked out as well. But it seems you should just go with the highest weight allowed in the MOST amount of leagues. As a matter of practicality, it seems Kicking Cards and Passing sticks remove a great deal of "messiness" from the game as it allows for more certainty for these types of plays. I'm not gonna lie, watching the videos, it's hard to tell when that little ball hits a player! But I also understand the arguments about the physical skill of passing, and that is a valid concern. And I REALLY like the whole penalty and injury simulation in the Shootout rules. To me, injuries and penalties are integral to football, and should be included in ANY rule set. And I also REALLY like the magnet thing for MPFL, giving players the ability to "wait and see." But whatever the core rules are, it has to be more than just turning on the switch and watching the guys go if it is to attract more "serious gamers." But not TOO much chrome...else you scare away the more casual crowd.

Just my completely uneducated two bits as I have actually yet to play! But it seems it would be nice to be able to meet with a new player and say..."We'll just play MCFA Standard Rules." Because right now...I wouldn't even know where to start.
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