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Old 03-18-2009, 04:00 AM
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Megawattz Megawattz is offline
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Canton, OH
Posts: 950
Default Are U for real

UNITY, INTEGRITY, FELLOWSHIP from the old AFL & NFC was born the NFL if anyone on this board that has any type of power from league to league cant see the obvious pros forget the cons then they need to step aside & let the true visionaries take over. Im for local rule sets but thats not the ? the big umbrella is the ?. No one said stop playing your local way, what is being proposed is something that will take our hobby to new heights. Every game,sport,contest,race or competition in any country,continent,village or town across the world, from scrabble to professional sports, that has any credibility outside your own community has a standered set of rules that is what binds all & adds lagitamacy to the game,sport ect. If the MFCA is the organization that we all say it is, this has to happen, if not its nothing more than a place to show pics & have these conversations. make it happen peace. MW
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