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Old 10-23-2009, 04:43 PM
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the french guy the french guy is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: south west of France, Europe
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Just curious. Most guys use stoppages in either solitaire or MPFL styles of play.
In fact (I speak for myself), I'm not searching for nothing fancy or complex as MPFL :o , it's just since we have to stop at least one time for buzzball pass simulation, I was thinking about using stoppage for run play too in the same idea of adding a little realism and zone/ball play for both offense and defense....

For the running O game, I was particulary thinking about RB "hooks" (I don't know if the translation is good in english, what I mean is that the RB changes his stance and run direction very fast to fake the defense opponents). Allowing the runners to change of direction could simulate this, and can "save" the defense too for reorganize a little. Now, I know that that ideas are not too crazy since some coaches are using similar rules in their own games.

I particulary like the line of scrimmage point you gave us, BTW, and I 'll try to integrate this point in my own rules cooking.

Last things I have to see are :

simulation rules for punts and fieldgoals (yes, I don't want to use ANY "manual skill" tool for playing)

the timing process. I think I'll go for a simulated timing, with a number of plays by quarter. Since I will play without referees, I want to not have to look on or use the clock (in table soccer/subbuteo, I already have difficulties to use the clock...), at least for beginning.

And if everything goes OK on the first games, I'll add fumbles and penalties with a dice system.

Trust me, I've had PLENTY of sacks or tackles in the backfield without having to turn those guys.
I followed the final game of the college open run 2009, I was quite suprised to see such a good defense game. Plenty of sackes and big hits.
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