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Old 10-25-2009, 05:47 PM
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the french guy the french guy is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: south west of France, Europe
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Default I readed your homemade rules carefully and...

...I love them ! with that rules, I don't need dices or charts.

I like it because :

it keeps the game in the real world physics (no dices or mathematics) but without the need of physical abilities or skills to use a TTCQB. Exactly what I was searching for.

it keeps the game as less abstract as possible : we can see the actions, ball flying, etc...

The last thing I like, even if I didn't try for that it sounds very realistic in the effects. I mean, tweaking a base for a 100yards run, is possible...but how many times will it run STRAIGHT for center home end zone to center opponent endzone ? It's really difficult.

For my very humble experience of tweaking, a good runner base really straight run will be very easy for 0-25 yards, quite easy to 30-40 yards, difficult after 40 my tweak skills and on my board, at least. So it should be quite faire compared to the real thing. The purpose is to make 1 good running ball, to make the field goal play balanced.

For the return game, it's quite clear too. I guess we should be able to use the "running ball" to add a little spice on the return kicks ? Just to see where the return man can start his run ? What do you think about it ?

Anyway, I have to make a BWB (I prefer "running ball" term ) tomorrow night, and test it ! I'll make a pretty little thing with turf and detailed flying ball...if I can (not sure of the balance of the whole thing) I'll try to make the ball high enough to pass the goal post bar.

Last edited by the french guy : 10-25-2009 at 05:49 PM.
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