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Old 10-26-2009, 04:59 AM
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the french guy the french guy is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: south west of France, Europe
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hey french guy, your a creator. is there a way to make a BWB that actually spins when the board is turned on. I know there is a way i just have to sit down one day and figure it out.

Hoestly, I don't know how...perhaps placing the ball moving freely on a shaft (making a hole in the football in the longest side of it) ? I don't know.

4)Go and get a team and one by one put the players on these bases before using any pliers to see how they run FRESH OFF THE STOVE.
5)Im not kidding, some bases ran 100 yards multiple times without using any pliers. ofcourse each base will be different but with the polo greens, i get the greatest results and do less work.
I believe you : I've seen this phenomenon of several out of box rookies bases (the "cheap" ones from miggle). Just a slight heat on it, and it make decent runners.

As soon as possible I'll make a "big" order of miggle bases (some square prolines and polo).

For onside kick, or kickoffs, I'll make try. I didn't think about onside kicks, BTW. A good way to simulate it.

It is design for people with leg problems, back problems, foot problems, physically handicapped and those who are just tired and want to sit down. here you do not have to jump up out of your seat to throw a pass or kick field goals and extra points. You can sit comfortably and watch all the action with the sticks and the BWB.

Exactly my point of view. Even if I'm lucky to be quite healty, I'm sometimes a little lazy More seriously, I believe here in france that I have to present the game as a tabletop board game, because of the US football game format. Turnovers, 2h30-3 hours a game is very "exotic" for us.
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