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Old 10-26-2009, 07:16 AM
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Default passing simulation : the QB "tunnel" problem


Yesterday I made some tests, trying little passing plays. With decent base tweaking, I was particulary good in the medium range passing play. But as a former wargamer, something annoyed me a little... the line of view from the QB to the receiver.

Yesterday I used a simple rule : if any receiver base is not in contact with opponent base, he's elligible to receive. If the QB is not in contact with opponent base, is elligible to pass. BUT I tought it was weird that my QB can pass the same way if he's safe in the pocket, or if he's under heavy pressure (for example, two big men at about 1 or 2 yards from him) and can barely see the receiver.

So this morning, I searched for rules clarification (in buzzball rules for example), but didn't find (or understand) something to clarify that particular point.

Like the kicking game I was speaking about yesterday, it's all a question of pressure.

See the schemes I made.

In fig1, the QB can't see very well the receiver (the "wall" is made of defense opponents, but it should be the same with big friendly linemen hiding the line of view) and He will be hit in a few seconds.

In fig2 , the QB doesn't have a good line of view too, but he 's not under pressure.

So the questions for passing sim fans are...

do you manage the lines of view ?

do you manage the defense pressure on QB ?

How ?

Do you think I should not try to complexify the game ? (but believe me, when I'lll make demos of this game, especially to wargamers, they will notice the line of view problem...)

In my mind I 've got possible solutions too :

use the smallest passing stick to make a perimeter around the QB base, in direction of the opponent endzone, where passing is possible, if figures bases are in that perimeter, the QB incomplete the pass automatically (simulate pressure)

use the passing ruler (the big red and white one) to see if a line of view exists : if you can trace a virtual ray between QB and receiver without touching any oponent base, passing is possible.

But perhaps I' m just complexifying the game too much, causing unbalancing. Advises are very welcome


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Last edited by the french guy : 10-26-2009 at 07:20 AM.
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