Since you have been to the playoffs before, you know a little more about the pressure of winning.
You have to understand that friends, brotherhood goes out the door for these games.
your opponent will be looking for any kinks in the armour
To make sure that you're ready for the battle.... here are some of my "pre game" things to get ready....
1 - put in some "passing time" - take about 1 hr a day if you pass like me, to work on the passing game. you will need it come gameday.
2 - test every player doing their job! - I would not change any player, just make sure that each player is doing what they should be doing. If the guy is your Special teams captain he better be able to get thru and make practice tackles. If your guy is the backup WR, he better be able to get open just like the starters...DB better be able to run and close on the ball
3 - run all of the trick plays in practice - this way you have fine-tuned the plays to where you know it will work because you did the homework.
4 - run every player 4 or 5 times up and down the field. making sure they run the same way time and time again...
5 - scrimmage yourself...........