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Old 12-28-2009, 05:22 PM
Pirate Rick's Avatar
Pirate Rick Pirate Rick is offline
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Default never hurts to try...

i thought i would try this as you just never know.....

i am trying to collect the 1967-1968 original teams ( 16 nfl and 9 afl teams )
in the china haiti figs... you know..the ones everyone

i had a friend give me his old figs he didn't want anymore and it started this quest to try and put together the list of teams.

the goal is for me and my son to be able to play a season with the old teams from when i was a kid as he graduates high school next year nd my time with him is getting short.

if anyone has these china teams lying around they dont want and will donate to the cause i would gr8ly appreciate it. i will gladly pay shipping or whatever just let me know.. i am trying to collect home and away..only 11 men sets nothing big.

the teams i need to find in home and away are...

cardinals , browns ( away only) giants , cowboys ( home only) redskins falcons, 49ers ( away only) rams ( home only) packers, vikings, bears ( home only) colts, lions (away only) saints(away only) raiders, broncos, dolphins (home only) patriots, bills(away only) chiefs and jets.

wow..listed out it sounds like

please let me know whats out there.. only looking for the cheaper china figs...nothing fancy. thanks guys.... pm me and let me know.

btw.. please dont move the post or i wont be able to see it..

thanks Rick G.
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Old 12-28-2009, 09:38 PM
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hey rick, can you give a description of which ones you mean. the china figs from miggle were early 80's. haiti figs were about 74-77 ish, two completely different styles and sizes. only thing they had in comman was all were fab 5 poses. about the cheapest figs(at least as far as collectable value goes) is the figs that were the " in between" figs, which were the ones that transitioned from centered rookie base hole in stand , to "off centered" hole in stand, then to 1st run stands that had no hole. it was a dark time in the i dont have hardly any of those left, i will look in the next few days, i may have one or two of them left, if so, i will send them your way.
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Old 12-29-2009, 04:37 PM
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the ones i want are the 'CHICKEN LEG' ones i guess there called...

i am willing to buy the teams i need just not for ebay 20 dollars prices.

let me know
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Old 12-29-2009, 05:23 PM
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I'm not sure what mine are, I think they are from the 70's I have 10 figures of these: All White: Bears, Packers, Lions, and then an 11 man vikings team from the 70's in white.
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Old 12-29-2009, 05:26 PM
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i could check for you, but i gotta ask for more clarification in what you are looking for.

China figs that were real cheap were, like Mark said, off centered or solid platform.

Chicken legs, i think, are the ones that came out after hog legs, but before haiti's. i think i am right, but not sure.

Just to remind people and school some new people, i am gonna find a post i did on this and bump it up in another section.

Let me know exactly what you need so i can go look at what i might have.
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Old 12-29-2009, 11:17 PM
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wow.. i didn't know that this got so technical between figures... lol

i thought it was a simple question but i guess it can get pretty deep into it between one year or style to the next. i am not a historian on this so all i really know is that they are china figures from the 70's called chicken legs.... past that i dont know much about them... they have the hole in the platform and some are leaning one way or another but i can most likely just heat them and straighten them i would guess.

i was told that he collected them in the 70s and he was just tired of them in his closet and gave them to me... as i have never collected these before i really don't know alot about them.. sorry guys.. i wish i could help out more.
i remember him telling me that noone wanted these figures as they were smaller then the rest and to light with generally a cruddy paint job on them.

i was just curious to see if they were still around in peoples closets forgotten like his due to the un-collectability of them.
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Last edited by Pirate Rick : 12-29-2009 at 11:22 PM.
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Old 12-29-2009, 11:32 PM
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maybe you can take a pic of them. if not, how about a cell phone picture and send it to me, just be sure it is well lighted and i can identify them for you.

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Old 12-30-2009, 02:01 AM
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Hey Rick,

I believe I may have The Colts & Cowboys from that Superbowl Set.Give me a call.

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