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Old 10-28-2008, 10:54 AM
jimmie jimmie is offline
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Default Before 1996 what was your MF world like??

Before the first Miggle convention I played solitare and painted all my teams I had no idea that thier were others into this hobby before 1996 what was your electric football world like??
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Old 10-28-2008, 11:33 AM
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Default good topic

good topic.....before 1996 my sons and I would paint our teams...and we would scrounge around yard sales and goodwills and places like that to find ef parts...
when lighting strikes the family ...have faith...believe
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Old 10-28-2008, 11:40 AM
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before 1996, I still was playing solitaire along with 2 of friends we played a "round-robin" league called the "Mid-Atlantic EFL" and played every Friday and Saturday night.

We played using some 'not so crazy' rules that was a prelim to miggle.

We also had a store here that catered to the efl fan where they had almost everything EFL - teams, bases, balls, kickers, fields.

Once I started going to the store, every now and then I would find someone else at the counter and we would talk long about EFL.

Soon after finding miggle on line, that's when real league play began to take shape as new coaches were discovered in the area.

it took 3 yrs before I could make a trip (Philly) and it's been non stop since......

Good Question.....
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Old 10-28-2008, 12:17 PM
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Default Before 96, never...

put the game away! Flunked out of Tennessee in 1983 because I wanted to play a game between Cincinnati and SD Chargers on a snow day. Did not study for my Calculus and Differential Equations exam! I redeemed myself later and got my degree.

Brought the game to Texas in 1984. Built LA Coliseum in 1985. Sent Miggle a stadium in 1993. Never got it back! Played solataire for all those years. In 1995, displayed my work at a Miggle convention. Been involved with people every since!

I found out I was not alone!
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Old 10-28-2008, 02:38 PM
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Played solitaire on and off from 1980 to 1995. Everyone off my NFL teams would take on the personality of their real NFL counterparts. I loved playing solitaire.

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Old 10-28-2008, 07:03 PM
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Before '95, I had 5 teams, Rams, Cards, Vikings, Bucs and Lions. I hadn't played a game in ages as I lost my board during a move. Then I heard about Miggle and got another board and some players and started painting again so that I could play against my son. I got the painting bug and did a bunch of teams, found some yo-yo living in Kalamazo (:p ) and bought a coule of 620's from him, then in '03 found the light and started making up my own teams. If it wasn't for the internet and Miggle, I would probably still have just my 5 teams stored away somewhere.
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Old 10-28-2008, 07:09 PM
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Default Hey Al

If your talkin about Jimmie, that cat had 300 620's at one time from what I understand, thats just crazy, WOW.

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Old 10-28-2008, 07:42 PM
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Default Hats off to Reg!

Reg, that is hilarious! Flunking a college exam to knock out a game of EF! LOL! That's the most classic case of MF addiciton I've ever seen! Wish I would have done that! ROFL, and, of course, LMAO!!!!!

Oh, am I off track? I did not exist before 1996 in this hobby. Still in total retirement, part of some 25+ years of barren times as far as this hobby goes.
1971-2002 Period of "retirement" from the EF hobby with a brief return in 1988 when my son turned 4 years old. Tried to "light a spark" with him for two years, but to no avail. Continued retirement until 2002 when I discovered Miggle quite by accident while searching for TUDOR on the internet.
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Old 10-28-2008, 07:44 PM
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Default before 96

i wasn't know that EF/MF simply exist

Ben Racette
Montreal, QC, Canada
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Old 10-29-2008, 06:17 PM
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Norb, yes I'm talking about Jimmie. I've never seen anyone with so many players and boards in my life. His entire basement was set up as storage for all his miniature football stuff. I was in shock and awe.
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