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![]() Hey MFF family, today I had a talk with my friend Don Smith, as usual talking to Don is always EF informative and a great time, we talked about a few matters about our hobby and after our convo my mind was just full of ideas,questions and thoughts about the direction of our beloved hobby, but one question kept popping into my mind, IS EF TO BIG TO PLAY ONE WAY. I thought about the things I have been exposed to in the last three years, things I thought that before coming back into the hobby I would never see, the leaps and bounds EF has made collectively are outstanding, but back to the topic at hand, Don made me see a point in our convo, basically the hobby plays two styles of tackling Any Touch & front of the Base, so there are two standards right there, now as styles go there are many, I don't feel the hobby can follow one style, now let me explain myself, If we can as a hobby decide a set of rules and a style that can please majority of the Hobby than fine I could accept that as a National EF Rule standard, but it would have to be something that would attract me as an individual to be part of that group , now before the NHFL guys chime in and say hey this and hey that, I respect that they have already have a strong foundation and a set of rules in place, that to me is a start , but still there are certain areas that arent addressed for others that want a different kind of EF experience. Now I don't think the Custom/no Custom thing is a big deal but lets be honest if the NHFL allowed customs ( which I understand is on the table for next season) I know more coaches would involve themselves with this organization. But with that said EF as an entity is a large mixture of many different ideas, theories and sciences, to say that one style is better or worse to me is silly, each is just different, I find a good time playing alot of different ways DFW style, TBA style, Traditonal 3.2, MPFL,I even see the fun in playing with boiled or chemically altered bases, each of these methods of playing have strengths and weaknesses, but fortunately for me when I was exposed to each of these I was shown these styles of play by great EF people who explained things in depth and showed me what was what so any questions I had were answered in detail, I have a favorite way of playing yes, but my journey to understand the hobby better keeps me open to things that are different. I don't see one way as better or worse just different, And those differences to me our are strength, we must as collective Hobby learn that different isnt good or bad just different. I find fun in EF however i play, but our hobby will always lean toward what they think is fun or enjoyable. One way to play is cool, But I think we have grown to large to be boxed into a corner, I would support one style as a national Standard, but that being said that national style should represent the hobby on a whole, not just a few dudes that feel that our way is best. Just my thoughts.
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I am involved in competitive target shooting (IPSC in particular), this is one of only dozens of different styles that people enjoy – I enjoy some of the other and find some boring. All of the shooting disciplines have their own rules and managing bodies – but most combine in umbrella groups that try to advance target shooting as a whole (they don’t worry about the rules of the individual disciplines). Maybe this is what EF needs – EF Confederation to which MPFL and NHFL etc would be members. The member groups would handle there rules etc while the confederation would look at helping the different groups grow and help manufacturers etc. Also see my post about Subbuteo. Just some thoughts from down under. |
![]() As always my friend from Down Under you have looked at the matter with both eyes open, and have used good sound comparisons to make your point, I did read the subbuteo post and your right on all your points, the problem is that we have to come together to make what is spoken about a reality, thanks for the response, hey Dent by the way did you ever speak to that figure maker in your area, let me know , im still trying to get my project off the ground. Holla back ok.
![]() In the most simple terms, I have to agree that the hobby is too big to play only one way. If you have but two people that play and those two do not choose to play exactly the same way all of the time then ONE (solitaire) is the magic number. In solitaire we are free to play exactly as we wish. And on a larger scale, I like and embrace the fact that our diversities (playing styles, preferences, etc.) are a plus, NOT a minus. It would be a very boring world (and hobby) if we all saw things in the exact same way.
Personally, I think the hobby is anything but big in any way concerning numbers. If anything, it is not nearly big enough. I also believe it is not enough to stop at "is the hobby too big to play one way?" We need to acknowledge that it is rarely, if ever, played the exact same way from one season to the next by any one group. Or solitaire for that matter. No matter how we choose to play the seasons of today, I'll bet most will adopt new wrinkles by or before the seasons of tomorrow. It is a fluid situation in almost every instance. Solitaire, leagues or tournaments, almost all make changes along the way. Some work out. Others do not. In short, I am not aware of any "one way" to play that has not changed in the slightest bit over time. And if a way has changed in the least bit then it is not that same "one way." It is then "another way." I.E., different. So, yes. I am in agreement. The hobby is too big to play only just one way. One way today, a different way tomorrow. If only slightly different. Over time the slight differences will add up and equal a lot different. -Mike Pratt |
![]() i know its possible, but is it feesable.........
........ for most of us to attempt to meld the more populer styles into one system. if a group of you guru's would come together , maybe do some more hashing, i think the NHFL rules could work for everyone, granted, they will need tweaking for tournaments, but since most companies in the hobby already sponser the NHFL, why cant they all agree on some type of format for rules regarding leagues and or tournaments. there are enough quality people in this hobby to get past all the ca ca, and meld it all together, for the ones who dont end up liking the rules, they can sit out for the tourney. lots of leagues are already using a majority of the same rules, if each league could just give a little, we may all get closer to the same thing.,,,,,,,i am half asleep as i write this, but who cares...lol. also, regarding weights, why not compromise there a little too, increase the weight(an example here, linemen 4.0) other positions, lighter).i think the majority on weight is 3.2, some guys play 4.0 and more, why not make it (example again, 3.6, or 3.7). im goin to sleep, you guys sort this out before 2010 . |
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Pratt makes a great point! I have been in the same league for a few years and EVERY year we add or tweak some of the rules for the new season. Reason for the changes is because of variations to the rules where it did not "fit" the league standard or to clean up a 'grey area' ![]() |
![]() ...I quit my solitaire league several years ago! The head guy kept changin' all the rules!!! Not even season to season, he would change from game to game and sometimes even play to play. He said he wanted to "better simulate the REAL game!" What a crock. That guy should win an Emmy for all the crap he concocted - or would that make him an Iron Chef or something. Whatever! I should look him up, I'm getting bored NOT playing. At least he's better than nothing.
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![]() First off, why is it that every other week this same topic comes up in some form or another? I can say and be reasonably sure with statement that the hobby is too big, too many egos involved and to much cliquiness (is that a real word? Well, for this application it is.). Everyone always shoots me down when I say this about the cliques but I am going to prove it after seeing the responses to a post on the miggle. But later for that. Just like every conference in the NCAA has a different set of rules I think it is ok to have different rulesets. It is easy to say as some are quick to do "well, if they don't like it then they can just not play." But let's look at it in this perspective. Let's just hypothisize and say everyone agrees on this "one way" theory. And the ball is in motion everything is going well. The WORLD ASSOCIATION OF ELECTRIC FOOTBALLERS is formed. YES!! YES!! YES!! WE DID IT!!! WE DID...hey wait a minute. I think that passes that deflect off of receivers and hit D-backs should be picks. There isn't anything about that in here. Guy #2-I think we should not be able to use custom figures. Guy #3 - I think we suould be able to use boiled bases. All 3 guys well "I'm not playing". The WAEF "FINE". The three guys say "I know let's make our own orginization. Get a bunch of guys and make our own set of rules as a national standard." Thus, the UNIVERSAL ASSOCAITION OF ELECTRIC FOOTBALLERS is formed. YES!! YES!! YES!! WE DID IT!!! WE DID...hey, wait a minute... It will always go on and on and my question is what would make one orginization better than the other as the "OFFICIAL STANDARD" of electric football? What would making an "OFFFICIAL STANDARD" Of electric football really do to "advance/better" the game? These are the questions that need to be answered.
I like playing with the strategy divider once in a while, or playing where you have to have actual splits on the o-line instead of "maul ball" all of the time. The differences is what makes this game special. As long as you have so many different leagues then you will always have a lot of different ways to play and I think that is good. As for tourneys then you are always going to have different sets of rules that is the nature of that beast. Just my coupla' pennies. |
![]() Hey Jimbo, I 've met that guy before....it's best to stay away from him. Just keep doing what your doing.
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EM-F-er [ěm -f-er] –noun-abr-slang: Electric Miniature Footballer 1. a person/hobbyist/gamer who creates a representation of American Football in a small or reduced scale for competition or show. 2. the majority of forum users on the website, www.miniaturefootball.org —Idiom 3. One Bad Em-F-er, negative shout out; pertaining to weirdwolf: There goes one bad EM-F-er. I mean he can’t play and ain’t never win nothin’! |
![]() WOW !!! That has been mt main point. This is the key reason why this hobby is the way that it is.
The reason why the rule is is very important. So many men play it off and say that this is it, or that is that, and placing it under the flag of there is no wrong way to play. Well there is in fact a wrong waya , and that ways is one that is unbalanced. When rules change to please others, or to stop someone from winning then it is a good chance that the reason behind the rules are not fair, and neither is the man behind the rules. The integrity of the game is more important than making people happy with rules that are likable rather than fair. ! Quote:
Ethics, Morals, Integrity, with out it you have nothing. Pray, Eat, Sleep Football. WWW.MPFLFOOTBALL.COM ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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