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Old 12-07-2008, 06:03 PM
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mantaraydre mantaraydre is offline
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How do you approach your league's games. Do you play on the fly or play according to a set sked. what all must understand is everyone's situaoion is different. There are those who are married and looking to get out of the house, then there are those who are single who have a life to explore outside of electric football. Just because one's life is set up one way does not mean another's life can follow suit. It is the job of each commisioner to examine each coaches situation (before a season start) and determine the best scheduling for all. After all, everyone want's to play but must consier there other obligations also. HAVE YOU EVER CONSIDERED BEING A ROAD WARRIOR IN YOUR OWN CITY. A coach can make up the bulk of his season's games that way if his work, health or any other situation arises.

I got this idea from some families on my job. They live in the suburb's of manhattan new york. They all have young children. They plan getaway weekends or even just an overnight inmanhattan to have time to themselves. They go to dinner, shows and whatever from friday night thru sunday morn. If a few coaches chiped in and got a hotel room in your city, or 1 coach wanted to get a room for himself, you have a place to play.

Many hotel lobby area where the cafeteria is are empty in the eve and all night. We met barry stevenson of the dfw in jersey one night and used there lobby space with no problem. If a coach has scheduling problems, this is an option to play at least 5 games or 6 in a weekend span.

some coaches do not wan't to give up every saturday or sunday especially in the summer cooped up playing electric football. just a thought

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Old 12-07-2008, 08:58 PM
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Shabby J Shabby J is offline
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Originally Posted by MANTARAY- DRE View Post

How do you approach your league's games. Do you play on the fly or play according to a set sked. what all must understand is everyone's situaoion is different. There are those who are married and looking to get out of the house, then there are those who are single who have a life to explore outside of electric football. Just because one's life is set up one way does not mean another's life can follow suit. It is the job of each commisioner to examine each coaches situation (before a season start) and determine the best scheduling for all. After all, everyone want's to play but must consier there other obligations also. HAVE YOU EVER CONSIDERED BEING A ROAD WARRIOR IN YOUR OWN CITY. A coach can make up the bulk of his season's games that way if his work, health or any other situation arises.

I got this idea from some families on my job. They live in the suburb's of manhattan new york. They all have young children. They plan getaway weekends or even just an overnight inmanhattan to have time to themselves. They go to dinner, shows and whatever from friday night thru sunday morn. If a few coaches chiped in and got a hotel room in your city, or 1 coach wanted to get a room for himself, you have a place to play.

Many hotel lobby area where the cafeteria is are empty in the eve and all night. We met barry stevenson of the dfw in jersey one night and used there lobby space with no problem. If a coach has scheduling problems, this is an option to play at least 5 games or 6 in a weekend span.

some coaches do not wan't to give up every saturday or sunday especially in the summer cooped up playing electric football. just a thought

If a coach thinks he is being "cooped up" by playing MF then he should think about another hobby in my opinion. What you are saying is kind of putting a negative spin on being able to spend a day with your friends/leaguemates playing MF.

I realize that is not your opinion, just the way you worded it, but if any hobby makes someone feel like that, they need to re-evaluate what they do in their spare time. I myself look forward to playing all the time.
Coach Shabby J - MFCA Pacific West Region Rep
Casciolini & Luffeigh, Inc.

Los Angeles...making EF history for over a decade.
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