Helps with MPFL,ect.
Guys ,since we have to make sticks,balls,timer box,ect. can someone please put out some sizes.For example,how long are the sticks that go behind the QB for his drops?I think this would help if you guys that know the system would give us some detailed measurements.Even if you are on monster board,we still play it the same.So all sizes should be consistent.Tips on the timer box also.I know this is a home field type deal,but how do you build it?This system has bell/whistles that others don't in order to play it so sizes,suggestions would be great.I put a couple up on the post,but I am a rookie at it.If there is not going to be a kit for the MPFL at least list specifics and their sizes.Maybe some coach might want to create a kit and sell it.Dre',how about a list of all the extra things needed to play this style and how to's that include sizes,yds. ect.check out Mike D's posts.seems like he could use it too.Can't play without the equipment if ya know what I mean.if I do not have a helmet and shoulderpads,guess I will play flag football then or worse--SOCCER--lol just kidding----STT