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Old 03-28-2009, 02:01 PM
Anthony D Burgess's Avatar
Anthony D Burgess Anthony D Burgess is offline
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Default Taking From The MPFL

Did you know that many coaches and leagues are taking parts from the MPFL system and adding them to there rules set?

What does that tell you?

Would you buy a car if you cant drive ? How about jumping in a pool of water and you can't swim?

If you can understand that then you will understand this:

This example, leagues and coaches take the turning the DB around to run with the receiver from this system and add it to there.

They do this without understanding the reasons why this is the way it is.

1: You need stoppages!
2: You need magnets!
3: The Pass Placement needs to be correct!

Without using these 3 points above, turning the DB to run with the receiver will not be effective.

This hold true for all areas in this system, there is a support structure in place for each area to up hold and insure balance, and reflect actual football.

You cant build a house with out a blue print, without laying a foundation etc. Is it wise to build a house with out blue print, without a foundation ?

Or taking a part from a Ford vehicle and adding it to a Nissan ?

This is the same thing when coaches and leagues take something from this system and add it to there leagues.

What are you're views on this ?
Ethics, Morals, Integrity, with out it you have nothing. Pray, Eat, Sleep Football. WWW.MPFLFOOTBALL.COM
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Old 03-28-2009, 05:07 PM
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Anthony, you're probably right about this, but this won't stop people from experimenting with their rules. However, they shouldn't try one aspect of your method, find that it doesn't work in their ruleset, then give up on the entire MPFL system that works so well.
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Old 03-28-2009, 06:16 PM
Anthony D Burgess's Avatar
Anthony D Burgess Anthony D Burgess is offline
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Default I understand

I know that you are right however I wish that they understood that what they are trying to do has already been done with this system.

It's like I know where they are trying to go, I am already there and trying to give them directions, but they don't want to hear what I'm saying. So I am watching them go past and around there destination

It's funny to me, I get this picture of cave men trying to make fire with two sticks, so I walk up to them and give them a lighter and show them how to use it. But they take the lighter and rub it on the sticks, hit the lighter with the sticks, doing every thing with it except use it the right way,

Then get upset because they cant get it to work there way! LOL, LOL, LOL!!!

But some coaches are finding out just how this system works and they are loving it!!!!!!

I guess some are just to stubborn to admit that this system works better then what they are currently doing. They will catch on in time.
Ethics, Morals, Integrity, with out it you have nothing. Pray, Eat, Sleep Football. WWW.MPFLFOOTBALL.COM
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Old 03-29-2009, 12:28 PM
Vince148 Vince148 is offline
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Personally, I see nothing wrong with this. This is how you get various systems in anything. An idea is born, then someone sees a different use or better way to apply it. If that were not the case, we'd all still be watching b&w tv, carrying around three cases of 8-tracks in our cars and still using rotary telephones.

People that try new things or try to make existing things better should be complimented, supported and encouraged, not chastised.
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Old 03-29-2009, 12:47 PM
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Default How is ...

turning a DB to run unique to the MPFL?

Any coach could choose to do this any time in any rule set.

Wouldn't even have to know about your system or have seen the video even.

There would not need to be a league protocol to allow it.

Not sure this is the best example.

Got any others of how people are borrowing from the MPFL -that you specifically know was taken from the MPFL system?
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Old 03-29-2009, 08:31 PM
Anthony D Burgess's Avatar
Anthony D Burgess Anthony D Burgess is offline
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Originally Posted by artlax View Post
turning a DB to run unique to the MPFL?

Any coach could choose to do this any time in any rule set.

Wouldn't even have to know about your system or have seen the video even.

There would not need to be a league protocol to allow it.

Not sure this is the best example.

Got any others of how people are borrowing from the MPFL -that you specifically know was taken from the MPFL system?
You would have to see the system for you're self in order to understand. Yes I specifically know people who have done just that, in fact I know how they played befor, and now I see how they are now playing after being exposed to the system.

I would invite you to truly understand what I have writen, think of this as I have said befor, would you take a part off of a ford mustang and put it on a nissan 350z ? No you would not because these part are made for a specific for that type of car and not the other.

When you add somthing it is wise to fully understand how it effects all areas of what you're doing.
Ethics, Morals, Integrity, with out it you have nothing. Pray, Eat, Sleep Football. WWW.MPFLFOOTBALL.COM
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Old 04-01-2009, 06:20 PM
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I replied on this yesterday then got called for a meeting right in the middle. Here is the tale end of the response.

this will not be effective in traditional miniature football. Like i said, at what point do you stop the board. IF YOU PLAY AGAINST A DEADLY PASSER YOU WILL BE DESTROYED IN THE FIRST QUARTER. All a coach has to do is pass every single down and let his receiver run ten yards to the first down, stop the play and hit him for the first. Lets say a coach is pinned on his 1 inch line due to a horrible kickoff. All a coach has to do is pass 10 times for ten yards and a touchdown. When you realize this after 5 passes and 50 yards, you will resort back to the old way of blocking the receiver at the line.

In the MPFL during each stop, you can take a player off a magnet to fill gaps and lanes because each stop is about 1 second. you can make life a little harder for the deadly ttqb thrower with over and under coverage. I UNDERSTAND YOU CAN GET OVER AND UNDER COVERAGE IN TRADISH FOOTBALL BUT IT WORKS A LITTLE BETTER IN THE MPFL DUE TO PLAYERS HOLDING THERE POSITIONS UNTIL THE RIGHT TIME.

The only coach who i saw do this is don hudson of the dfw. he has his defensive backs back peddle with the recivers into coverage. He showed kevin boddie and myself his method while we were out in texas. He stayed at our hotel a little later than everyone else showing what his players can do.
His reasoning was if you place a player head up with a receiver at the line of scrim, if the receiver beats and gets past that db, that db is OUT OF POSITION TO MAKE A PLAY. if he back peddle, at least everything is in front of or next to the db to make a tackle. he is the only guy i saw do this.

Hudson is the most deadliest thrower in the hobby. what would he do to you if you ran with his receivers. this guy does not miss. I personally saw him live in the flesh at my first texas shootout put a receiver in the end zone on a 308 and put a ttqb in the other endzone. he hit the receiver in his back 3 times in a row while joking and laughing not really concentrating. What if on every play he sent out 1 receiver in traditional football and kept everyone else to block while the qb was in the shotgun on a stationary base. HE WILL JUST WAIT FOR HIS RECEIVER TO RUN ALL THE WAY INTO THE ENDZONE, STOP THE BOARD THERE AND HIT HIM SQUARE IN HIS BACK. He will only need 1 offensive play for each drive.

Traditional football is just fine but the MPFL has a unique way of doing things. It gives you four (4) chances to think and react for the players.
Dont anyone think the MPFL is above and beyond what you think and what you are doing. If your stopping the board 4 times as opposed to 1, you clearly realized the game is going to be different. Some coaches get offended when the MPFL is promoted and points out how it is different than the norm. You cant get offended when someone is trying to show the world how a system operates. PLAY HOW YOU PLAY AND HAVE FUN. THE MPFL IS FUN FOR THOSE WHO LIKE AND UNDERSTAND THE SYSTEM. i TRULY BELEIVE NOBODY EVER INTENDS TO COME ACCROSS THE WRONG WAY.

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