WHY DOES THE COST TO JOIN A LEAGUE VARY FROM LEAGUE TO LEAGUE. Ive seen leagues charge 1) $20 2) $30 **$35 3) $40 4) $ 50 6) $60 I know th MFCA CANT POLICE THIS BUT IF A LEAGUE IS AFFILIATED WITH THE MFCA, SHOULD THERE BE ONE STANDARD FEE TO JOIN ANY LEAGUE ACCROSS THE BOARD ? IN YOUR OPINION, WHAT IS A FAIR LEAGUE FEE AND WHAT IS OUTRAGEOUS ? **** EVERY LEAGUE HAS THE RIGHT TO CHARGE WHATEVER IT WANTS. IM JUST CURIOUS AS TO WHERE THE MONEY GOES ? ***DOES IT DEPEND ON 1) HOW MANY COACHES PER LEAGUE (The more coaches the price drops. If you cant get enough coaches the price is raised) 2) Is the money used to rent a playing facility throughout the season 3)Is the money used to purchase food each game day for the coaches. ***IS THE MONEY USED TO BUY THE LEAGUE ENDING TROPHIES FOR THE WINNERS. ****Wolf has a nice set up with the MFCA LEAGUE TO ACQUIRE A $500 RING FOR THE WINNING COACH. GREAT JOB WOLF. ***MIGGLE DOES THIS ALSO (NOT SURE THE COST OF THERE RING) *** I think coaches may want a RING nfl style if they win there superbowls as opposed to a trophy. You can were that ring around proudly. Imagine a great coach won 1) A MIGGLE RING 2) MFCAL RING 3)THERE LOCAL LEAGUE RING. ***This cat is walking around with three (3) rings on his hand. A TROPHY STAYS UP ON THE MANTLE. A RING WILL SING NO MATTER WHERE YOU GO !!!! ***YOU WIN 5 RINGS YOUR GOING TO HAVE TO TELL THE WIFE YOU CANT WERE YOUR WEDDING RING ANYMORE. SOME THINGS JUST SUPERSEED OTHERS LOL LOL LOL !!!!!!!!!!! BUT IM SERIOUS THOUGH. A RING LIKE THAT IS A CONVERSTION PIECE NO MATTER WHERE YOU GO. BACK TO THE ORIGINAL QUESH, WHY DOES THE COST TO JOIN A LEAGUE VARY FROM LEAGUE TO LEAGUE ? ***Im sure many leagues have unique goodies and extras that make that paticular league GREAT. just want leagues to share how they do business and perhaps share ideas with other leagues for the future. THE DSMFL gives out unique tee shirts of the team you are representing for joining the league. It's things like that i would like leagues to share with one another. MANTARAYDRE
IF YOU PASS WITH STICKS, YOU INCREASE THE LEVEL OF PICKS. Last edited by mantaraydre : 09-03-2009 at 09:59 AM. |
Money ?
Welcome back Dre...
I would venture to say the league costs would vary based on what a league provides and the costs involved: 1) Is there rental costs for a building or community center...if so there's an additional cost for some? 2) Is there large payouts/awards provided...if so there's an additional cost for some? 3) Is there websites, statistics, etc...if so, you're getting more value and there's more cost involved. 4) Does that cost include any figures/teams (i.e. if you're a new guy, you're investing heavily already in teams/figures...you may not have to pay a league fee the first year) I think a league can and should charge what it wants and what it feels necessary to provide the desired experience. |
They should charge what they want to charge...it is called a free market system....I am with Guttmann
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