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Old 02-03-2010, 03:45 PM
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Default I want to give a special thanks to all

Just got a note from one of my friends, Don Lang, who I know care very much for me and my family. He was just as devastated as anyone else who has spent time around me and my family as he knew I loved my daughter like nothing else on this earth.

Don felt it was difficult for him to reach out to me because he did not feel he had the right words to say to me. He did not want to say the wrong thing to me to upset me. I know there are others that feel the same way.

I will not lie, there are times I can not understand why my daughter had to die and not me. My entire family should have died that tragic day. If you saw our car, it was no question it was divine intervention. We were blessed to tell the story of Rhianna's life. So much good is coming of her death. You will see things on her site from time-to-time.

And I know Don just wanted to comfort me but he may have felt that no words could suffice. I appreciate his feelings.

Then there was Ken Allen who reached out to me. Ken and I always somehow talk about our kids. In the midst of all the EFL slapstick comedy, we always find time to mention our kids and our wives. I appreciated his words and just his kindness to call me. We did our usual chiding at each other but we also comfort each other. I really appreciated that.

Then there was one of my best friends, Mozeek. We always talk anyhow. Rhianna loved Mozeek tremendously and he was always one who just listened. I appreciated our recent conversations.

And Rookie called and we had about an hour of good times. It's amazing how these guys come into your life and offer some comfort.

There have been many who have written me and my family or who have just called me. Those sentiments I have appreciated.

I appreciate my good friend in Michigan name Brian Wittkop (Wolverine) who reached out to me weeks ago, and Phillyfanatic. My young protege'
Taylor sent me an Oscar Reed figure. Somehow, he remembered I love "Butch".

There have been so many people who have tried to call or reach out to me and my family and it has been most appreciative.

One reason I have gotten out here and begun to speak is because I know for some who like me, I have to figure out a way to break the ice. No doubt, my loss is the worst loss I have ever or will ever have. Rhianna was my princess. She lived an exemplary life. But I also know my daughter spent many days with me telling me how much she loved for me to be happy playing EFL!

While our loss is great, we celebrate her life and know that there are others who are having it even harder than us. Remember the people in Haiti. There are tragedies happening around us everyday which are worst than Rose, lil Reg, and I. We do have 18 years of great memory, a Foundation that is taking off, and knowledge that my daughter was a Christian and lived an exemplary life.

So I don't want you guys to feel you have to walk on the other side of the street to avoid me or not talk to me. I would not do you that way if tragedy struck your family. So don't feel you need to feel uncomfortable talking to me. If I don't talk, I may not answer right then. I am more busy now than I ever was in miniature football. So be patient but don't feel as if you can't talk to me.


Last edited by Reginald Rutledge : 02-03-2010 at 03:48 PM.
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Old 02-03-2010, 05:35 PM
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It is always good to hear from you Reginald, keep doing what you have done so well, for so long; tirelessly working towards bettering what you believe in with the burn and spirit of a child warrior, playing and slaying all the grand while

Hats Off My Friend

Go Steelers!!!
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Old 02-03-2010, 05:40 PM
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It is good to hear from you. I can relate to anyone who didn't want to say the wrong thing because that's where I was. Eventhough I did lob you a couple of heart felt condolences,I couldn't muster the words to effectively say what I felt inside. I am glad that you are in the recovery phase and while we know that you are far from recovered,it is good to know you are back.

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Old 02-03-2010, 06:23 PM
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Default reg!!!!!!!!

it has been truly hard for me to find the words to tell you how i feel about your loss.i just did not know what and how i wanted to convey my feelings to you without putting my foot in my mouth.i know what i want to say because it is in my heart ,but i just could'nt bring it to my mouth.i consider you a true friend to me,not because of all the things you have done for me, but because of the way that you have done the things you've done for me.our freindship might not be as close as some of the others you have with guys on here, and that's only because we don't talk as much as i am sure you do with them. but i do know that it is special in it's own to you my friend, i want you and your family to know that i have much love for yall.

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Old 02-03-2010, 06:31 PM
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Default Reg

Hope you're finally getting some sleep.

I still have you on speed dial, so, when I call, hoping I won't
wake you up. Last month has been crazy. Cancer surgery and
past Sat. got rear-ended waiting at a red light. Despite getting really
slammed, walked away and back at the gym Monday.

May God bless you and Rose real good.

In His good grace,
...and when they called for the apostles and had beaten them, they commanded that they should not speak in the name of Jesus and let them go. So they departed... And daily in the temple and in every house, they did not cease teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ.
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Old 02-04-2010, 05:58 PM
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Default There are no words......


We have a friendship that will endure all time, but what words can I say to ease the pain? What can I do to sooth the loss? I love you Reggie and may the comfort of the Lord Jesus Christ rest upon you and your family.

Friends Never Part!
Deepest sympathies from Sean Carter & Family.
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Old 02-04-2010, 08:51 PM
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reginald, you are an inspiration to many of us, on several different levels. its hard for me to say much because of my situation, but you are doing great things, just keep doing what you need to do.
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Old 02-05-2010, 01:32 PM
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Question REG!!!!!

......I don't know what to say. May God bless you and your wife and family. Stay STRONG. If you want talk I'm here for you.

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