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Old 12-13-2010, 12:23 AM
Reginald Rutledge's Avatar
Reginald Rutledge Reginald Rutledge is offline
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Default Having the toys to put on a ...

full scale production.

Somewhere along the line here, I will take the time out to put on a fullscale production of a Game Day event. It's taken some years to reach the point where I can put on a production just like the NFL, ranging from pregame shows, strategy shows, to actual game production, including everything from national anthem, player introductions, play-by-play and color on press row, all the elements of crowd effects, the actual game, and post game show, coaches interviews, etc.

When I created the avenue for Internet TV, I had a lot of old equipment as far as cameras are concern. To me, these are investments. They are high quality cameras which will be added into my film production collection.

When I see guys talk about re-inventing wheels in the game, I wish they would have came to me some years ago when I had the "want to" to help them. Most thought I was over the top with the MF stuff but there are those who have experienced some of the hype first hand, know what is possible.

One day, I will show the true and awesome capability of the Broadcast Network.

Reginald Rutledge
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Old 12-13-2010, 04:55 PM
Tomkat Tomkat is offline
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Default .

make sure they give you the credit.
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Old 12-13-2010, 09:04 PM
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Smile can't wait to see the final result.

Maybe the goal (in a long term) is to create a mega network of tabletop sports hobbyist like miniature football, subbuteo soccer, my custom hockey (finally got all the tools to make it) and even electric slot car racing and if there's other tabletop sports hobby such as baseball or basketball, there's more than welcome.

Tell me what do you think?

Benster from north of the border
Ben Racette
Montreal, QC, Canada
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Old 12-14-2010, 05:07 AM
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Reginald Rutledge Reginald Rutledge is offline
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Default It definitely...

would be great if hobbyist throughout could create a network with this in mind. I know slot car racing is big in the US. I am not too sure on strategy baseball, although RD and I have been talking about strategy baseball a bit. I know subbuteo is huge in Europe as it is played throughout the EurAsia and South America in basements all over. I am assuming tabletop hockey is big in Canada (probably not as big in the states) but definitely, the genesis is there to create the market.

I just know, if you do something like that in MF, you've got to have quality play, fast action play, and quality equipment to shoot those games. I don't think ALL MF'ers are in to it like that because it would take a big time commitment and investment to do things like that.

However, I do think groups could do something like this and make it work (provided they have the equipment). I just know from my experience that when you start talking putting things on Internet TV, there's an attitude of "it's not really worth my time", however they tend to want you to do it so they can have their name up in lights.

So for me, at least, I know these are some of the reasons I've spent my time learning to do this type of thing (Internet TV for MF) because I've always believed this could work on TV. But like radio and any other broadcast media, "dead air" or slow play leads to viewership turning off the TV. They want to be entertained.

I believe we are several years away from consistent high quality MF broadcasting. It is not only a trial and error thing, but it is an educational thing in addition to a willingness to reach beyond simply playing just to thump your chest to say "I am the greatest".

That's just my perspective and opinion from looking at the landscape over time.

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Old 12-14-2010, 05:44 AM
the french guy's Avatar
the french guy the french guy is offline
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Default room for everyone

I agree with you, but I believe (in all domains) that you can obtain decent results with low budget.

A good bright white (cold) light
A stable stade for camera
A decent webcam (640x480 30fps, wich allows 480p broadcast)
A good and reliable broadband upload speed (no wifi or air, just a good old rj45 cable, you can use 50meters lenght maximum, cost around 30USd on eb*y)
A decent PC to deal with a good bitrate (you can increase the video bitrate and decrease the sound bitrate or put it in mono....Since the sound capture devices are often not so great, it will be suficient)
If possible, an external program to send the video to the streaming website (it can increase the quality A LOT)

With that simple setup (I just bought the 30usd webcam) you can obtain really good results.

I also saw some good solitaire videos (Lindyhoper) on the dedicated section, where even with a low budget, creativity and ideas gave really impressive results :
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Old 12-14-2010, 06:32 AM
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Reginald Rutledge Reginald Rutledge is offline
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Default No question...

you are correct on this and I do many things with low budget equipment. Sometimes, that's all I can afford and it does work pretty good. I think that in order to create good media means that you need to be able to zoom in on plays as wll, and thus, the camcorder is more effective. I've had analog cameras in the past that were better than some HD cameras. Sometimes, I think that stuff is overrated.

However, I also believe in the notion of "You get what you pay for too." If someone does show the same quality using a cheaper thing, I would be foolish not to use it if he gave me permission to do so.

But at least there are guys like yourself willing to discuss the game from a technological point of view and exchange valuable information.

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