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Old 12-19-2010, 10:00 AM
RavennaAl's Avatar
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Default Solitaire news and the Tweak

For all those who play solitaire, we will be including a sub-section to the Tweak dedicated to solitaire play. The new section will have the edge of the pages a different color with "Solo Mio" printed inside to distinguish it from the rest of the magazine.

This will include updates to the different leagues, tips, strategy and other information as well. Please include in-focus, full pixel pics with your article. And what I mean by full pixel is somewhere around 3,000 X 2,000 pixels. This can be determined by right clicking on the picture and looking at it's properties. The size of the pic will be around 1.5 MB If it's 100,000 Bytes, it's too small. Please don't crop them or resize them.

Ray Bingham had volunteered to be the Tweaks new Assistant Editor in charge of solitaire. If you want to let others know about your league results, or want to share information on playing solitaire, please send all articles and pictures to Ray. He is known as Allftbl on the chat boards. His e-mail address is:

We would like to see this solitaire section become a success, so get writing and take those pics and get them into Ray. The timeline for the next issue is approaching fast. We need them by the middle to end of January so we can include them into the next Tweak. Thanks!
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Old 12-19-2010, 10:39 AM
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Excellent news! I will definitely provide a look at what's happening in the ECFA and EPFA, along with a primer on the rules I use.

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Old 12-19-2010, 12:01 PM
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Thumbs up

Great news, finally those solitaire won't be alone anymore

Benster from north of the border
Ben Racette
Montreal, QC, Canada
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Old 12-19-2010, 07:20 PM
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Default Great News

And thanks to Ray for doing this. I have just about completed my first CFL season tournament. So I will be writing an article about it.

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Old 12-20-2010, 02:57 AM
allftbl allftbl is offline
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Default This IS exciting......

....a chance for us to share our solitaire info in our own section in the TWEAK!!! like Al said,please email me at with any solitaire news,info,questions,updates on any leagues,pro,college,or fantasy teams used,rosters,rules,pictures,articles,etc. This is a wide open door for us to walk through......and enjoy!!!

....I look forward to hearing from you all and helping out our solitaire section and being a part of the TWEAK!!!!Many Thanks!!!

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Old 12-20-2010, 06:11 AM
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the french guy the french guy is offline
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I'll do something for that, certainly a game report from my preseason league (gators vs spartans) with game mechanics analyzing, modelling tips and stuff like that.
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