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Old 10-08-2007, 11:40 AM
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Default Kansas State Historical Society Podcast on Electric Football

I just found this online and it caught my attention since it came out of Kansas in 2006. There is also a podcast that is worth listening too. Make sure you scroll down the page to click on it. This unfortunately is a prime example of peoples opinions on the game and why we have to find the right ways to change peoples attitudes. I'm posting this just to hear others opinions on how we change this perception of MF/EF

Hopefully, it will spark some positive ideas. I found it interesting at the end of the podcast after they basically scoured the game that they still had a bit of competitive nature towards it.
EM-F-er [ěm -f-er] –noun-abr-slang: Electric Miniature Footballer
1. a person/hobbyist/gamer who creates a representation of American Football in a small or reduced scale for competition or show.
2. the majority of forum users on the website,

3. One Bad Em-F-er, negative shout out; pertaining to weirdwolf: There goes one bad EM-F-er. I mean he can’t play and ain’t never win nothin’!

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Old 10-08-2007, 12:22 PM
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i was out with a buddy of mine a couple of years ago. he took me over to his cousin jumby's house. he wanted to show me jumby's slot car track. "oh, big deal!" i thought. "i remember my dad having one of those stupid things, the cars never EVER stayed on the track (i didn't know that you were supposed to slow them down around turns ), and after a while, they just quit working all together!" he took me anyway. i walked into his basement and saw the most amazing set-up. an approximate 5'x10' track, perfectly level, an LCD board that calculated your speed, and about 500 of the coolest little cars that i had ever seen. the track was worth around $3,000, and he had another few thousand in cars, parts, accessories, etc... when i got to talking to him about it, he tells me that they (slot car enthusiasts) travel around with their cars and race people from around the country. some people are known within their circles as the best track builders, car builder, etc... when i told of my previous thoughts about the "game", he just smiled. he had heard it all before. but he also knew that seeing was believing, and until people actually see the game being played in a positive light, people will always have a negative spin on the game because of their personal disappointment, or lack of interest with it when they were kids.
i personally think that promoting it as a specialized hobby could make it as appealing as model trains and slot cars. not forcing any issues on people, letting them know that there are many options to choose from as far as styles of play, boards, figures etc... is still a key. i know that this statement has been overstated in previous posts, but i remember hearing football coaches saying K.I.S.S. Keep It Simple Stupid
as far as i know, that saying is still used.
by the way, i read that article, about it being the worst game ever made, when i was first starting to hunt around for this "game" again, and it didn't phase my growing interest. it just stuck the words electric football even deeper into my head. remember that some old guy once said that there is no such thing as bad publicity except your own obituary.

i couldn't listen to the podcast, puter's too slow and i don't own any of that fancy, shmancy technological mp-3 players. what was the overall synopsis?
check out about custom figures and platforms at this thread:
MFCA member #31

Last edited by 5-13 Studios : 10-08-2007 at 02:49 PM.
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Old 10-08-2007, 12:25 PM
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Michigan Joe Michigan Joe is offline
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Interesting! That was hilarious how that guy was baited into mocking the game but then at the end he was like, "no way you can beat me at this game, I was playing this game before you were a gleam in your daddy's eye". He probably pulled the game out that night. If he only new about tweaking. You show this guy the MFCA website and he'd be hooked! We gotta get an organized pictures section and some live play demos on the website showing the detail, speed, and command of the "new" miniature football game! We need a tweaking section and a playbook as well for a starting point for beginners to play it strategically. Show em' some you tube videos or the new MPFL video feeds as teasers and I know that would really help to get people to recognize the game as "refined" and not the same old game.
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Old 10-08-2007, 03:19 PM
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now that i think a little bit more of what you are asking, maybe an eventual podcast could be a good thing. i don't know much about such things except that people here at work listen to various ones all day long on all types of subject matter.
maybe this isn't keeping it simple, but who's counting.
check out about custom figures and platforms at this thread:
MFCA member #31
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