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Old 12-08-2007, 05:09 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Check This Out

I'm at the Rennisance, spelling, hotel in Nashville and the Chargers are staying here...a few of the players are here signing stuff and Rivers and LT have already been down once.......WORD
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Old 12-08-2007, 06:28 PM
Posts: n/a
Thumbs up

Happy Christmas! sntht$

Go and get a white panel ball (even if its a kids ball) if you can and get as many names on it as you can. Have them sign in the same white panel until it is full, then move on to the next white panel. You dont want them signing all over the place on the ball. Make sure everyone signs the ball with a Sharpie black magic marker regular line pen. Hang out in the hotel bar as late as you can tonight. That is where most of them will be. The later the better.

You should be able to get both the ball and the Sharpie at a Wal-Mart or K-Mart or similar store near by. I know you hate to leave the hotel, but you really need to have a ball and the right autograph pen.

That will hold the most long term value.

Good luck.

Tell us what happens when you can.

Oh, and last thing. VERY IMPORTANT. Be extremely polite and extra courteous, even if other fans around you are being obnoxious. Always say PLEASE and MR. and THANK YOU. Never shout or run or push. Act EXTREMELY cool. Interested but not pushy. This is critical. Make eye contact politely and then wait your turn. Have the cap off the pen and the pen in the "grab and sign" position for him, so he can do yours quickly. I've been in situations where I have waited patiently in the back of an area, while everyone around me acts like jerks...then the player will put up his hand and tell everyone he is not signing...then come over to you quietly while everyone else walks away grumbling....and sign JUST FOR YOU.

If you are not sure if he is even on the team or not, but he just looks big, there is nothing wrong with saying, excuse me SIR but do you play for the Chargers? You'd be surprised how many players you do not recognize face to face or even from a short distance.

I have many balls in my collection. Half of them are filled with players I did not recognize until they told me who they were.

Last edited by BigFranco : 12-08-2007 at 06:40 PM.
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Old 12-08-2007, 06:30 PM
Posts: n/a

WHen I use to have my sports card store thats what I use to do a works
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